16| what becomes of the broken-hearted?

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"It's Emily. She wants to apologise," Ivy informed. She climbed out the bed and wandered over to her backpack, grabbing a pair of fluffy socks out, and slipping them on.

"Tell her to go home. I'm fine," Claimed Jason.

Ivy ignored him, and threw a sweatshirt over her head. "Put a shirt on," She instructed. She knew Jason needed to hear the full explanation from Emily - who actually knew the whole situation and saw the picture of Wilden at Cape May. Ivy didn't see the picture and didn't want to give false information to Jason, especially when she hadn't been working much on the theory of Ali's pregnancy. She hadn't talked or seen the girls to see if Cece was right.

"Can't we just send her home and I don't have to go through this awkward conversation?" Jason suggested, silently hoping Ivy would drop it and send Emily home, but he knew that wouldn't happen.

Ivy shook her head, and wandered over to the bed. "She feels awful. We all do. She wants to talk to you. I know you don't really like people, but you like Emily." Ivy reminded. She was right, Emily was one of his favourites. "So can you please just do it for me?" She pleaded, standing beside the bed, looking down at him with a small smile.

Jason let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine, but I'm doing it for you." He unwrapped himself from the covers, and stumbled out of bed.

"Good. Now put your shirt on." Ivy ordered, throwing the white t-shirt at him.

He caught it with ease, pulling it over his head, then wandered over to her. He stopped in front of her, and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Together, the couple walked down the stairs, holding onto each other's hand. When they stopped in the kitchen, Jason sat on one of the stools at the counter fiddling with his fingers as he started to get anxious, while Ivy skipped to the front door.

"Hey, Em. Come on in." A bright smile slipped on Ivy's face as she greeted the girl. She stood back from the doorway, allowing space for Emily to enter.

"Hey." Emily returned the smile, and stepped through the doorway.

From Emily's demeanour, Ivy could tell that she was a bit nervous as well. She was worried about talking to Jason after everything that had happened. Like Ivy, Emily felt terrible about the situation and how Jason found out about it all. They should've been the ones to break the news to him after discovering if the speculation was indeed true, rather than Spencer blurting it out because she was hurting.

Ivy led Emily towards the counter where Jason sat, and Emily took the seat next to him.

"Do you want anything? I'm just about to make tea," Ivy wondered. She wandered around the kitchen island and moved to grab mugs from the cupboard.

"I'll take a tea, please," Emily responded.

Grabbing the tea bags, Ivy popped one in each mug, and while she was waiting for the water to boil, Ivy tuned in to the conversation arising with Jason and Emily.

"So Ivy told me that you were the one to find a picture of Wilden or something, and that Cece told you that Ali thought she was pregnant that summer?" Jason begun. He was struggling to maintain eye contact with Emily, instead he focused on his fingers that tapped rhythmically against the countertop, occasionally glancing up at Emily.

Emily gave him a nod, taking a small breath to prepare herself. "I found a photo of Wilden in Cape May. Cece was the one to tell me about Ali's possible pregnancy, but honestly we don't' know if it's true or not; Early pregnancies like that don't normally show up on autopsies anyway," She informed.

"And honestly, who should believe anything that Cece says anyway? We don't know her," Ivy chimed in. She was leaning against the counter with her arms folded, facing the two on the stools.

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