03| to kill a mocking girl

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There was something about nature that Ivy really loved

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There was something about nature that Ivy really loved. Maybe it was the fresh air that made you feel relaxed from the moment you stepped foot outside. Maybe it was the singing birds that sung a song so relaxing that it could send you to sleep. Or maybe it was the freedom you felt when outside.

There were loads of things that amounted to her love for nature. The birds, pretty flowers, the bright sky.

This was why she wasn't too bothered with wandering through the woods on a Thursday afternoon, even when she could've used that time for catching up on homework.

She was venturing through the woods towards the shed with the rest of the girls. Emily had suggested going to the shed they used to hang out in, but Pam, Emily's mother, encouraged them to make it into an almost memorial for Alison.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the girls were becoming frustrated because of the hundreds of bugs attacking them.

"Who's idea was this again?" Hanna asked.

"Emily's Mom."

"The shed was me. My mom just said we should do something for us," Emily clarified.

"Well, couldn't we do something without mosquitoes?" Hanna whined. She was the one most bothered by the insects. They seemed to be attracted to her more than anybody else.

"They're not mosquitoes, they're gnats," Aria corrected.

"Whatever! They're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose." Hanna batted her hands in the air around her, attempting to get rid of the gnats.

"Well, they're attracted to your perfume... and your hair product, and your lip gloss," Spencer replied with a chuckle.

"So, what are you saying, I attract flies?" Hanna raised her brows at Spencer.

"Gnats," Aria rebuked.

Glancing around the woods as she trailed behind the group with Ivy, Emily expressed her concerns, "Why do I feel like this is the wrong way?" Her browses furrowed, assessing their surroundings.

"No, this is it," Spencer declared. She nodded towards one of the trees that stood near them. "I remember that tree. It's the halfway point. There's 136 steps left to the shed," Notified Spencer.

Some of the girls paused, glancing over to Spencer with puzzlement in their face. They were equally as confused as to how Spencer would remember that since the girls hadn't returned to the shed since Alison disappeared.

"Have you been out here since... Alison?" Emily queried.

Spencer shook her head rapidly. "Me? No. No way."

"But you remember that tree..." Aria gestured to the large tree in front of them that stood in between two different paths, pointing in each direction.

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