27. The trap

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Instead of taking the night to think it over, Integra had other plans.

She has a mission for me and this was one, only for me and Seras. We had to inspect a building, which was attacked by a bunch of ghouls in the afternoon. Integra was informed later on. Seras decided, since we are only two, to take the motorcycle.

Alucard hasn't come back from his mission.

It wasn't like him to take that long. If I had known who he was against, I wouldn't have been surprised at his delay. But for now, we had our own trouble to deal with. Seras smashed the door open with her foot, as I followed her close behind. Pressing my gun against my chest, we slowly inspected every room, shooting all ghouls in sight.

"Seras, we have to find the vampire responsible for this."

"Don't worry, I deal with it. You take care of the rest."

I gave her a wink, "At least you trust me to do something on my own."

But Seras wasn't as relaxed as I am, "If Master finds out about this, he will kill me. Please don't tell him about this."

I grinned wide, "Can do sweetheart!"


We both jumped at the sound, something exploded somewhere above us. Seras ran up the stairs, while I went down again, inspecting the area around the building. A few ghouls were heading my way, but from any other obstacles was no sign anywhere. Standing now at the entrance, watching the full moon.

"I wonder how Alucard is getting on with his mission" I said out loud. Surprised of my own thoughts, I shook my head, "What the hell am I saying, why should I care for this, this...monster?!"

"You are right. You have other things to worry about."

Woah! Before I could turn around to face the one, I was knocked out cold, waking up in a dark room. Whatever it was, that stood outside, he wasn't alone. I listened to the voices, counting each one by one.

One, two, three, four, five...five men.

The door was opened and something else got thrown into the room. From the bit of light, shining through, I realized the person. "Seras!" crawling over to her, I heard her wince in pain. "Be careful N/A, they are all vampires" she warned me. I watched in horror at the men, who chuckled from the other side. One seem to be excited as he was licking his lips, while watching me like a prey, "I cannot wait to give you my love bites." Another man blocked his view, "You will wait and we still have a job to do, remember?" With that said, they locked the door, leaving us in darkness.

"Seras, how can we deal with five vampires?"

She couldn't answer me. We were both unsure of how to get out of this.

While we were trapped, Integra received a call. Her eyes had darkened, as she canceled the call.

"You traitor...how could you do this?" she said quietly to herself.

She called Walter right after, ordering him to get her sword and gun, "I let Seras and N/A fall into a trap. This is unacceptable!" She wants to deal with this herself, unlike Walter. He knows his Master and made sure that Alucard finds out about this. No matter how strong Integra is...five vampires are even too many for her alone.

Once the no-life king received his call, he smashed the phone in his hand, growing deep, "This girl is nothing but trouble!"

I was scared of getting killed by bunch of vampires. If I had known that Alucard is on his way...I would shit myself.

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