31. The transformation

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I woke up in a dark room.

But this was not the main problem. For some reason, I was tight up. It felt like a straight jacket, since my clothes were so tight against my body. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, but there wasn't much to see. I was in a small, cold room. "Where am I?" I said out loud.

"Where I was used to be locked up" said a deep voice.

I looked around, not sure where it came from. A minute later, kneeled Alucard before me, "I am afraid you have to stay in this room for a while." I demanded a reason for this. He explained my current situation. Apparently, this kind of transformation from human to vampire is a risky condition. "You weren't exactly human anymore. You were a mixture of vampire and ghoul...we have to wait how your body reacts to the change." I asked what will happen to me. I was frightened, as he told me, "You either turn to a vampire or you become a ghoul. In this case...I have to kill you. Right now, we are not sure what you will be...time will tell."

My body shook with fear.

For next few days, I went through several stages. One time, Alucard tried to give me his blood though my mouth, only for me to bite his arm. I tried to rip it off like a shark would. The other day, I growled like an animal at the count, not able to talk to him. I couldn't remember any of that. For me it was like a black out. Alucard assured me that this was normal.

The longer I stayed inside the chamber, the more I lost hope to be a vampire.

The count has to a report about me to his master every day. Integra was concerned about my state. She knew she couldn't do anything to help me...but, she wanted to give it a try. Once she was before me, she could see me on the floor. My eyes were empty, my head hung low. "N/A, look up!" she command me. As I refused to do so, she said it again...only louder.

After the third try, I moved my head up.

I wasn't sure of what to expect from her visit. But something else caught my eye, as well as my nostrils. My eyes widened, as I watched Integra...cutting her hand. Blood fell to the floor. "Please...no" I begged, felling the hunger getting the best of me. She waited till I stopped attacking her. If it wasn't for the chains, I would have got her. Once I gave up, she came closer. She orders me to lift my head up and open my mouth. I obeyed her. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled. Integra's blood was dripping into my mouth. "Fight it N/A" was all she said, withdrawing her hand.

Alucard watched from the door his master's action.

My eyes got a lot more of a lively shine in them as before. Tears fell down my face, "Why?" Integra smiled, "I can't lose one of my reliable soldiers..." she looked over to her servant, "...especially the only one to make his undead life a living hell."

Alucard frowned, "What did I deserve this for?"

She raised one brow, "Where should I begin..." I listened to her countless complains, which could have also filled an entire book, while Alucard tried to explain himself. Little by little, a smile came to my face. I have to admit...smiling after so long...felt wonderful.

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