20. Alone against a vampire

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He seriously wanted me to take care of a vampire...all on my own?

What were Seras and Pip thinking? I am not ready to handle such a mission.

It was nothing to me proud of, to me; it was more based on suicide. Two guns and a knife wasn't enough to kill a vampire. Why wasn't Alucard around when you need him the most? I froze at the thought. I should be lucky that the psycho isn't around, treating me like a slave.

I can do this on my own!

"I don't need a baby sitter to take care of me!" I yelled out with confidence.

"Shouldn't you be in bed at this time, little girl?" I turned around at the sound. It was a man in his late 30s, although alive...was something he isn't. In an inhuman speed, he was right in front of me, hitting my guns out of my hands. "Are you sure you don't need a babysitter?" he said, pulling me close. The way he got his arm around me, prevents me to get my knife out. I was hopeless at the moment, but still, I try to keep a brave face, "Let me go!"

It got worse as he began to touch me inappropriate. He seems to enjoy it, while I was fighting to push him off. "Unhand me at once!" the vampire smiled evil, "oho, or else?" "Or I do this!" with enough strength I kicked him between the legs.

But...nothing happened.

"But...how?" I didn't understand it. I jumped, as he grabbed me in the same area, grinning wider, "my turn little girl." "Don't touch me!" With enough force, I got one hand free and grabbed my knife. In one swing I slashed his shoulder. In pain, he threw me into the corner. The impact against the metal box, made me scream out. I wasn't able to stand up now; instead, I tried to crawl away. Unlike me, the vampire recovered faster and pointed me to the floor, pulling his whole weight on me. "You think you can outsmart me?" he said, coming closer with his face," you should have stayed with your babysitter, you bad girl." I closed my eyes in disgust, as his long tongue licked my cheek. Now it was truly hopeless, all I could do now was to whimper.


"What is that little girl?"

I tried to hold back the tears, while trying to call him, "Aluc..."

"Shout louder" he whispered now.




"Louder girl!"

As I hesitated, he bit into my neck, "ALUCARD!!!!"

Suddenly, the world around me turned black. I felt like falling into darkness, until a white glove reached out, pulling me close. The next...a face came into sight. A face of a person, I preferred not to see at the moment.

"I am here N/A" he pushed me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my body.

"You are squishing me" my voice was weak, but still, a hint of anger could be heard.

"I saved you from this nightmare; you should thank me instead of complaining."

I didn't see any reason to thank him, Instead, I began to get started, "This is your entire fault. You were late again you sloth!"

"A little 'thank you' won't kill you."

"You are right; you do just it just fine on your own"

"Can we get along...just once?"

He sighted deeply as I didn't reply. I crossed my arms and frowned, he hates it when I get stubborn and released me in mid air.


"Owww...I hate youuu"

He turned his back to me, not caring if I was hurt or not "I hate you too...N/A."

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