3. I need sleep!

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He kept me up all night; he won't allow me to sleep unless he is near me. However, I kept my distance whenever he moved closer; it caused me to look like a mixture of a zombie and a panda in the morning.

It got worse, as I had to help Walter to polish the silver cutlery and clean all the dishes for a special occasion. Afterwards, he ordered me to clean the floors in the main hall. Out of sight, I feel asleep on the broom, till something pulled it to make me fall on the floor head first. My nose was bleeding badly as I tried to stop it, as a figure appeared before me. "A...dog? I didn't know that the organisation had any pets." It looked at me, almost smiling in joy. I ignored it, to clean the mess I made, getting a mop from my supplies. Only to see the dog licking of the blood "No, bad Dog...that's filthy, stop it!!!" I pulled on its fur, screamed, shouted, but to no use. He had such strength to stay in place; it didn't stop till the last drop of blood was gone. "Oh well...I don't need a mop then?" it barked at me, wiggling its tail and acted a little playful. But I was in no mood to play, whenever I feel asleep, it either pushed me to the floor or bit me to gain attention. "Stop it, go away already!!!" it didn't see like it would leave anytime soon. The dog sat down and watched me clean. "And here I thought I could catch up on my 'beauty sleep', but no, a dog has to disturb me" I sighted.

To my surprise, he made his way out the door. "Good, I clean up fast and then I can rest my eyes a little!" I thought out lout, while a huge smile came to my lips. In about half an hour I was done, pleased with my work I collected all my supplies, ready to relax. Still smiling I opened the door...

Wooooosh!!!! Something ran past me. The sight I had before me, made me drop my mop in horror. That bloody dog was dirty from top to bottom and spread all the filth everywhere.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" My mind was filled with ways to kill that bleeding thing at me that seems to be pleased at his work.

"Miss N/A, are you done with...what happened here???" As on cue, Walter had to check on me. He has a wonderful timing to be there at the wrong moment. "Walter that wasn't me..."I pointed towards the 'little devil'"...it was...him?" the dog was gone. "Miss N/A... it seems you don't take your job as serious as you should" "No, it was all clean, till that thing..." "I don't want to hear any more excuses! Clean this up, you have an hour to do this" he slammed the door shut. There I stand, tired and more work to do. Instead of complaining, I took my headphones and cleaned the place up...again, in another half an hour it was spotless. As the nightmare on paws came in sight, wiggling its tail.


Wooooosh!!!! Another run around the hall messed it up even worse than before, but this time, I tried to catch the demon. At the end, I was just as dirty as a rugby player after a game and the place was the field. The dog barked at me before leaving once again. I could have cried out in frustration, but my fear of losing this job was by far worse. I took my last strength to clean it up...the third time, only to finish it at the last minute before Walter arrived. "What the devil happened to you?" "It WAS the devil that happen to me" I had not enough power to stay friendly, I have reached my limit.

"That's it for today, you can leave for tonight. We have to do more tomorrow, I advise you to get enough sleep" he pointed at my eyes, seeing the massive bags under them. He wasn't pleased to dismiss me so soon, but he seems to notice that my capacity wouldn't last any longer than this.

In my room I went straight into the bath tub, letting my tears fall into the water. I didn't hear the door creak as an unwanted guest came into the bathroom "had a bad day today, kitten?"

I couldn't keep up with him tonight "Go away!!!!....please" I begged him. But he didn't, he kneeled beside the tub and began to rub my back with a cloth. I cried out hopeless "Stop touching me... I don't want that!"

However, he didn't stop. He helped me wash my hair and got me out of the tub. All my pride to hide my body was destroyed, I felt completely humiliated as he put me into my PJ. I mumbled a small 'thank you' to him before going into my bed. Unfortunately, it was already occupied, by him. I whined "Can't you just leave me alone, for just one night?!"

"I could, but I don't want to..." he sat up on my bed and took out the book underneath my pillow "...by the way, nice book you got here." That son-of-a-biscuit was reading my bloody diary!

My body was about to collapse, too tired to think or even to argue, I climbed on to my bed and leaned against his back, I was gone immediately. I didn't feel him chuckle anymore as he looked back at me "You are learning fast...N/A."

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