26. Thinking it over

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I couldn't believe what I just heard. He really would like to rip me into pieces. My eyes had nothing but pure anger towards the vampire.

"Why don't you just, leave me alone!"

"Don't speak like that to me!" his tone was, deadly deep.

But I would have none of that "Or what? Do you have another puppet of me somewhere?!"

"Don't push it human!"

I watched his finger twitch at the trigger. One word and this gun will be pointed at my head. Instead of a word, I turned on my heel and walked away. Alucard was furious. I just made one of the most foolish mistakes for any human. He barked after me "Don't you ever, turn your back on a vampire!" I kept on walking.

"Turn around!" he shouted.

I didn't. I kept on walking, slowly, towards the main door of the manor.

"I told you to turn around!!!"

Fear went over me, as my body shook violently. I couldn't see him, I wasn't sure of what he is doing now.


I flinched at the sound. But still, I was alive. Turning around now, he had raised his gun to the sky. His eyes were blood red now. I could hear him growl dangerously, but I tried not to feel threatened. I turned my back on him and went through the doors.


Silence.... I have missed this for a long time.

"Miss N/A?"

I jumped at the sound, facing to my right side "Geez Walter, don't do that!"

He apologized for his behavior before asking on my time with Alucard tonight. Of course, I told him how it went. He sighted at this, knowing it would happen. But what I said next, was concerning the butler. "I want to quit"

"Because of Alucard?" he guessed.

"No...not just him. I don't belong here...I want to go."

It was something he didn't sighted at. Instead, he nodded, offering me to tell Integra ma decision. I was glad he was willing to do it. If I had to do that just now, I would burst into tears. But it seems I didn't have to be in Integra's office for that, as Alucard appeared before me. He was still angry with me. "You will not leave this place" he growled.

"You can't stop me. It is my life and I decide what I will do with it"

"Life...You call that a life? Living in your tiny flat...isolated by others, no job and no plans for the future? Don't make me laugh. You are still a child."

"Well no one has to pay for my mistakes!" I barked.

Before he could comment it, Walter called us to come over. He was waiting beside his master. Alucard and I were standing before them, waiting for Sir Hellsing to speak.

"So N/A...you want to leave I hear..." I nodded "...I would like you to stay for the night, just to think it over. If you are still determined to leave, I will not stop you." Right now, I wished I could just run out the doors and leave the nightmare behind. But Integra insisted for me to think about it, which I accepted. Once she was done with me, she looked at his servant "Alucard, I have a mission for you. It will be harder than any other assignment you had, so N/A will not join you this time."

Alucard bowed his head at his master, before leaving the room. He went passed me, refusing to even look at me.

"Miss N/A, Please take the night to think it over" demanded Sir Integra, before dismissing me.

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