8. The farewell

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Integra's patience ran thin, as another letter arrived, but this time by the organization 13 Enrico Maxwell. She was furious, ripping the letter up. Walter noticed his masters anger "Another letter of the Vatican?" she nodded. He served her the afternoon tea, as she enjoyed the aroma of earl grey reaching her nostrils "There is nothing I can do, Walter. They asked the pope for permission and the Queen allows it to happen." The butler was surprised at the news "The Queen gave permission?" "Indeed, but on one condition..." Walter waited for his master to drink her tea, before continuing "...she only stays with them for a month and then she can come back." Walter wasn't too sure if they would do that, as Integra added "if they refuse, the Queen will turn this private matter into a political one, to pressure them and I don't think they want a bad reputation, because of a little girl."

I was informed, a day later. I had to say my farewell to everyone before leaving soon. Everyone else didn't take it too hard, as they were told I would return in a month. This only leaves me with one person and he didn't take it well.

"What?!" he screamed, making me flinch at his sharp tone. Yep! He didn't like it...at all!

He disappeared before me, to discuss this with his master. It sounded like a mother fighting with her son, as the volume was loud enough for everyone to hear outside. Even Walter couldn't take it listening to their tantrums. I had to laugh as he mentioned that they act like children towards each other and not like master and servant. The thought was hilarious...little Alucard and little Integra fighting.

It lasted till tonight, Integra was at the end of her strength and so was Alucard. He appeared in my room, seeing me read a book. "Finished your fight?" I said putting a bookmark between the pages. He growled before lying next to me, completely worn out. He closed his eyes, as I stroked his hair. I sat beside him giving him a massage on his head, while he wrapped an arm around my waist. He enjoyed the moment, growling quietly. Later on, I lied down and hugged his chest, only for him to press my body closer, putting his head on top of mine. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep.

He actually slept beside me till sunrise. He woke up a little groggy, before pulling me back to his side. "Hey, time to wake up" I said trying to get out of his grip. "No..." he growled, pushing me closer. I was completely wrapped in his arms, I couldn't get out. I tickled his nose...no response...licked his cheek...nothing. I dared...and got his lips...

....nothing???? Come on, every man would wake up from this!!!

He started to mumble something into my ear, but I don't know what "You...here...for...ever...damn...priest...finger...kill...hands...way." "Are you praying something?" I asked him, getting a deep growl. "Belong...with...member...loyal...me" I didn't understand anything anymore. "You are talking random bull, Alucard. Please wake up, I have to leave soon." I winced, as his grip tightened, it turned into a deathtrap. To my luck, Walter found me in time. He cut Alucard's arms with his wires, informing me that it won't hurt him. He restored his arms minutes after he woke up, only to wrap them around me again, holding me like a child holds its teddy bear. "Alucard we have no time for that, miss N/A has to leave in an hour" said Walter annoyed at the vampires childish behavior, it got worse as he disappeared with me through the wall. Get back N/A, Alucard!!!!!" yelled Walter, getting out the door, towards the basement.

Alucard sat opposite before me frowning. It was obvious he didn't want me to leave, not even a month should I be away. "Listen N/A..." he said, touching my cheek "...doesn't trust anyone there. Don't let that priest anywhere near you, understood?" Instead of a nod, I leaned over and hugged his neck "I don't want to go" I said, nuzzling is neck. We both know that we cannot change this, as an idea came into my head. "Your tie..." he looked at me puzzled "...can I have your tie? I want something near me, to remember what you said." He smiled at me, as his hand loosened his tie, only to make it around my neck, making a bow on the right side. He leaned down and kissed my head.


Walter charged in, followed by his wires, cutting the entire door in half "Alucard, stop this nonsense, let miss N/A go!" I was about to protest, as he covered my mouth with his hand "She is all yours." I looked at him, loosing myself in his eyes. The way he choked it out, it wasn't easy for him to say that. He watched me as I left the room, only to look back and pointing a finger towards the bow. He smiled as I was out of sight.

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