2. The problem

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He gives me a creepy smile. A shiver went down my spine as he leaned down. My body began to shake violently as his head leaned on top of mine, his arms wrapped around my body pushing me into his back "Why so scared kitten?" My mouth went dry and my heart raced like crazy, it was too much contact towards me. I don't even know him.

He started to nuzzled my head with is, enjoying the moment. Unfortunately, this feeling was only one-sided, as I tried to get out of this death-grip.

"Does my kitten not like to be touched?" I grabbed his arms tight "Let...me...go."

"Why don't you bite me again?"

I was about to scream, as a knock was heard "Miss N/A, why is the door locked?" in an instant I was alone in the room; I looked around to find him somewhere hiding...nothing. "Miss N/A!" "Coming!" Walter had a serious look on his face "What is the meaning of this?" he pushed. I was still in shock, I wasn't sure of what to tell him. He would never believe me that someone was here, who disappeared up in smoke "I...I...sorry." "Well don't do it again, it's for your own good. As for your work, you need to push yourself a little more, you are too slow" I looked at the floor in shame, the first day and I get a warning "I'm sorry Walter, it won't happen again." He gives me a slight bow before taking me to my room. Inside he got me ready for bed and then, sat beside me "We were informed by the Jobcentre of your...problem."

'Problem' so that's what they call it.

"Don't worry Miss N/A, we will work on it step by step, okay?" I bowed my head accepting it. He stood up and gave me a kiss on my head before letting me sleep.

I leaned back and thought it over. My shyness is a 'problem' eh? I'm glad though, that he didn't fire me on my first day, instead he wants to help me to be more open with others. If there wasn't that tall male, touching me constantly without permission, it would be easier for me to take it slowly. I moved a little in my bed before, sleep took over. Deep in a wonderful dream, I never felt so at peace since I arrived here. However....

...during the night, I felt something move on my bed. I stood up immediately to see, that man again, on my bed. "W-w-what are you doing here?" "Keeping you company" he switched on the light to let me see him more. "I don't w-w-want you h-here" I covered myself into the blanket, trying to be as far away as possible. Unfortunately, he will have none of that. He pulled the covers off me, carried me to the nearest couch and set me down in his lab. He looked down at me as my head was pushed to his chest while he lifts a leg over the other "I think you should get used to this, kitten. You won't sleep alone all too often." My heart raced again "Why are you doing this?" I whispered in a shaky voice. "My master mentioned of your 'touching problem'..."

Great! Now it's a 'touching problem'?

"...so I want to take care of that." He pulled me closer "I also want to spend some time with my kitten tonight..." he kissed my head "...since the night is perfect for you."

You are perfect for the night (Alucardxreader)Where stories live. Discover now