6. May god forgive you

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He didn't let me out of sight, since that night in the club. His training was merely to defend myself against an attack of vampires and shooting practice. When it came to teach me about vampirism, he kept me in his arms holding the book towards me, like parents do with their children. Around him I feel like a little kid and it bothered me, by the soldiers I get treated like a woman that I am. Unfortunately, Alucard doesn't seem to change it any time soon.

Not even at a meeting at the war museum in London. Integra had taken an invitation by an organization, called the Iscariot. All the girls, including me, have to be there as well. We were allowed to have a look around; Alucard followed me in silence. Around a corner, I tried to get some distance from him, as I ran into a large figure "I am so sorry about this!" I apologized immediately. "No worry lass, you are forgiven" he turned around; he has spiky blonde hair, glasses and a large cross around his neck. But what really worried me, was his height, compared to me I look like a dwarf. I looked behind me to see if Alucard has cached up to me, but...there wasn't anywhere. "Looking for someone?" ask the man. I looked back at him waving my hands sideways "No never mind...Oh...where are my manners... I am N/A" reaching my hand out, he grabbed it shaking it lightly "Alexander Anderson, nice to meet such a bonny lass in this place." I had to blush at his comment; I never received such a compliment like that before, till my eyes went back to the cross "Are you a priest?" "Aye, I am..."

"Anderson!!!" screamed someone, from somewhere and interrupted him. "Sorry lass, I got to go, may god be with you" with these words, he left me alone in the hall.

I went back to Integra, getting bored to look at all the objects of the museum, only to see Alucard and Anderson on a one-on-one combat. In between were Seras and a group of older tourists, stopping them.

"This isn't the time and place for a fight" mentioned Alucard, withdrawing his guns.

"Yeah, you might have a point" replied Anderson putting his swords away.

At that moment, Alucard turned on his heel and went towards me "I'm going back to sleep, getting up in the middle of the day is exhausting." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, taking me along. Looking back, I have seen Anderson making a cross sign in front of him "So young and pure, touched by an unholy demon, may god have mercy on your soul, lass." I heard him, was he right? Did I do something wrong? I don't know.

Back at the Hellsing Organisation

I went to bed, waiting for Alucard to appear through the wall. At the meantime I thought back of Anderson's words, what he said frightened me. Tears began to fall "Are you missing me?" said Alucard lying beside me. "No, it's just...did I do something wrong?" he looked at me irritated "What gives you that idea?" "The priest said, I am being touched by a demon and...and that god should have mercy on my soul" I started to cry. He watched me for a while before holding on to my shoulders pulling me close to him "You did nothing wrong, you give a lonely creature company and that is no crime...not even in the eyes of god." "R-really?" I said, looking at him. "Really" he smiled, before leaning in to lick the tears off my eyes "you have nothing to fear."

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