Start from the beginning



"I hope your food wasn't too cold by the time you wanted to eat dear" a teasing smile on Elder Irene's face as she watched me closely for my reaction.

"No, the maids heated it up so it was fine" Sugars I hope my voice didn't portray how truly embarrassed I was. Elder Elfrid snickered as Orchid joined in. I felt my cheeks begin to warm up at the thought- Did the two seriously wait to see when we would leave the room? Was their stunt from earlier today not enough!?

I remained silent as Ruby and Faye continued to get me ready for the day ahead. Ruby brushed and styled through my hair while Faye carefully prepped my face and put on the necessary ornaments for my first appearance in front of the public. Wrong again was I to think that there would be no extra preparationsand I wasn't exactly as enthusiastic now Darius wasn't going to be there. I had gotten dressed with Darius but Faye snatched me away the moment she saw me and ushered me back to my chambers saying she would 'fix me up' because I had to give the masses the best impression. "It would show how committed you are to them and prove despite the rumors how much you love their king even if they don't see you as one of them" Faye had said and I completely understood but was I a bad person for still wishing Darius could be by my side?

Nevertheless I would try my best and make him proud when he got back because I did love him. He was a king which meant he loved his people and the realm and if loving a king meant doing everything in my power for this realm then I would. While the maids packed up the food items that were to be distributed during this mating season I was being prepared and trying to ready my mind for what I was about to face- people who had no reason to like me nor believe anything about me because I wasn't one of them. The one thing I was sure I could make them believe was I loved their king and I would do anything for him and I would make sure the need would never arise where he had to choose between his kingdom and me.

"I hope the Jigalians don't get aggressive this time around" Ruby spoke from behind me and immediately my ear stood.

"This time around? Why would they get aggressive?' I asked, concern lacing my tone as my heart began thumping harder in my chest. I looked between Faye and Elder Irene with a pleading gaze but Faye just avoided my gaze and walked behind me leaving Elder Irene to answer.

She sighed before glancing my way, "The first time the Jigalian clan came into our notice they were burning down houses claiming they had been built on their soil without any proof to back their claim. The land had been put aside for construction of those specific homes but the Head of the clan believed otherwise" she shook her head in disdain.

They sounded like bad news and the idea of having Darius on their turf made me uneasy. Yes Darius could take care of himself and he was more than capable it didn't stop me from getting worried and wishing he hadn't gone. What did people who had no remorse for taking grain for aid just to get our attention capable of doing? Definitely no good.

"We should hope that horrible clan doesn't use this as leverage to help some evil notion-" Just then the double doors cane flying open abruptly, leaving everyone to snatch their heads to the source as Ruby, Penelope and the two elders walked in hastily.

"Milady" they greeted at the same time. "Elders" they acknowledged the three elder ones in the room. Their faces were ones with fear scribbled all over them and their entire body language read one of nervousness.

As for Elder Azalia her face was devoid of any emotion but when her gaze met mine i could see the urgency they held "The leader of the Jigalian clan is here with a few of his guards. They arrived at our gates a few minutes ago and now they are in our halls" Elder Azalia replied.

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