Chapter 12: Siege

Start from the beginning

An image captured by Leiforian civilian hiking on nearby hills during the bombings

If this was back in Earth, Gra Valkas would be accuse of war crime and will get aggressively stared at by the whole world, sadly in this world, something like Geneva convention doesn't existed. There's no rule of war, there was never one to begin with. The Gra Valkans troop begin to pour into the city, the militias try to fight them off with what they have but it was futile.

"It's okay, it's going to be ok"

Laomirn, one of many citizen that decided to take up armed and fight against the Gra Valkans, he's hiding in his house trying to calm himself down. He grip the gun he was given, Gra Valkan's chanted can be hear even from a long distance, he see minute mens and other militia trying to fight Gra Valkans desperately. A field gun fire at some kind of metal carriage which penetrate it to the inside.

A planes descending down on them, and there's no sign for it to stop.

"So, this is war.." he mumbled.

Disappointed at himself for thinking war is just a fun thing and free tour to other countries, but what projected infront of him was very different from his idea. The war he seen right now is brutal, no adventure and definitely not a tour. He wished for this to end quickly

He attempt to shoot the Gra Valkans but misses every shots, he really pity himself that couldn't help his country. The minute mens start evacuating civilians while other militia cover for them. The bombers passed by, releasing another payload of bombs, Laomirn then hear a speech from the radio nearby.

"Resistance of Leifor, do not give up! We still have hope, we will show them that we can fight! Fight to the end! The Lycus of 2nd Civilized area will show them that we will not back off! Stay strong, remember your family, your wife and your friends! Remember that the fences of this nation is you!" Leifor's march music played after the speech ended.

Laomirn listen to the march music while minute mens are running chaotically outside, then the Gra Valkans busted through the doors, he quickly hides as they checking the house hastily.

"We can use this house, they will never know" one of them said.

"Quiet, there must be someone in this house" the other one said.

His heart beating so much faster, he picked up the bayonet from his belts, waiting for the right moment to strike. The Gra Valkans is getting closer.. closer... Laomirn charged at Gra Valkans with his bayonet, stabbed one of them in the stomach and aim his rifle on the other one.

"You fuckers! You will pay for what you did to my country!" He said.

They ended up in a stand off.

"Put your gun down, come on" the Gra Valkans said.

"How about you put your gun down first" He replied.

The Gra Valkan complied with his requests.

"Good, now walk out the house"

He order as he held the Gra Valkan at gun point. He steadily watch him as he almost outside the house, the Gra Valkan turned around, pull some kind of ball out. He doesn't know what it is so he still point a gun at the Gra Valkan, not knowing that it was a trap.

"I will bring you to hell with me! Long live the emperor!"

They pull the pin, the grenade exploded, killing the Gra Valkan. Laomirn consciousness blackout at that moment, the minute men then come to check on the incident.

"Oh shit, what the hell happened here!? Wait is he still alive?"

One of the minute men walk up to Laomirn and check on him.

"Over here! He still alive!" They shouted.

The medic came to pick up the injured militia to a field hospital. The evacuation continue as the Gra Valkans pushing further into the city, minute men doing their best to stop the relentless waves, to buy as much time for everyone to evacuate.

The battle ended after only 7 hours with Gra Valkas holding the victory, the casualties were immense on both side especially Leiforian's resistance. The survivors retreated to Palupom by underground train, as a way to avoid detection.

Location: Runepolis, Holy Milishial empire, 1st Civilized area
21st August, 1632, 5:34 PM

In the tavern of shining city, the Runepolis, capital of the strongest country in the world. It was the most beautiful, elegant and most advanced city there is. The people in tavern are now turn their attention to the news from coloured screen television.

"Good afternoon, great citizen of Elysia. Today in Milishial Network News, we have a shocking news. We got a report from our ambassador in the far east that dreaded Kingdom of Louria has been defeated by newly established nation that called itself 'United States of America', even with the help from Parpaldia, they couldn't even inflict that much damaged to United States"

The news caster paused as her subordinate handed her a new report, the tavern started to get noisy knowing the Lourian somehow got defeated by newly established nation.

"Did you hear that? Louria somehow lose to babarian nation that come up recently!" A guy sitting on the stools said.

"Yes, we're all hear it you crack head. We are not deaf" other guy replied.

The gossips and talking can be hear outside the tavern.

"Is this true?" The news caster asked her subordinate.

"Yes, we gone through investigations on the report. I can assured you that it 100% true" her subordinate replied.

"Ok, then"

She adjusted her glasses before reading out the reports.

"We've received a recent report from a moment ago, another newly established nation in the west has succeeded in making diplomacy with second strongest nation, Mu. We are not sure how they did it or what kind of people they're, but we know that they called themselves 'Soviet Union'."

The news caster swap out the papers and continue.

"There's also another nation in the west, that come out of nowhere and in a lightning speed, they completely destroyed Kingdom of Paganda and Leifor's navy. They called themselves 'Gra Valkas empire', our government will investigate further into these three mysterious nation and their capabilities. That's all for the MNN today, we will meet you in next week!"

The channel then changed to another, and the tavern is now more noisy than ever.

"What is these mysterious nation that come out of nowhere!? One of them even beat Leifor!" A dwarf shouted.

"Don't be too ridiculous, how can a new faces beat one of the superpower. The news probably failed to provided the truth" other guy said.

Many agree with him about the news spreading false information.

"What do you know..?"

A man in the front table said, slamming his mug on the table. Many people turned attention to him.


"You don't know anything. I was there when Leiforia was bombarded. I see everything!" The Leiforian escapee said.

People gasped, not knowing that Leiforia actually got bombarded.

"Bombard? Doesn't Leifor has coastal gun?" The guy asked.

"That devil ship out ranged our gun! It bombard our capital from 40 kilometres away!" Givor replied.

"You're exaggerating, there's no way that some new nation's naval ship are able to outclassed our Gold class ship" They said.

"You don't understand. their ship! It bigger than anything i have seen! When it come closer to the port, i swear with my own eyes.. It bigger than your Mitril class ship!" He replied.

People laughed it off thinking it was a joke as the danger come closer to the strongest nation.

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