Chapter 39

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Broken Mirror Will Be Reunited

Cheng Min started to pack his things in June. He packed all the clothes he had made for Yuanyuan into balls, brought some more clothes, and was about to return home. Lu Zhanting knew his decision, so he didn't stop him this time, but he had to send them back no matter what.

Cheng Min is holding a baby who is not yet one year old, and he knows that he is far away from home. He has to carry luggage and children. .

The person Lu Zhanting invited was Yuan Ye, Cheng Min didn't expect it to be him, he was stunned for a moment when he saw him, and said after a while: "Your Majesty Yuan has worked hard."

"It's okay." Yuan Ye put all his luggage on the bullock cart. The bullock cart has a lot of space and walks slowly. It is much more comfortable than a horse-drawn carriage along the way. After all, Cheng Min has been raised in the General's Mansion for several years, and his physical fitness is not as good as before. In the mountains and fields, and with a child, ox carts are the most convenient means of travel.

Lu Zhanting saw that he had packed everything up, his eyes dimmed, and his tone was hoarse and obscure, "Is it true that uncle...isn't coming anymore?"

Cheng Min glanced at the sky, the sky in the capital city is a bit different from his hometown, it always feels lower, as if you can touch white clouds with your hand, unlike his hometown, the sky is far away, and the clouds seem to be scattered a lot. He smiled slightly, "I won't come here anymore, this place is very nice and prosperous, but it doesn't suit me anymore."

Lu Zhanting lowered his head, clenched his right hand behind his back.

Cheng Min smiled and said, "If Ting'er misses uncle, he can come back and have a look."

Lu Zhanting stiffened for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Cheng Min carried the child into the car. The car was wide and covered with a velvet blanket. A mat was spread on the velvet blanket so that it wouldn't make people feel hot. Yuanyuan had already fallen asleep, but Cheng Min still held her in his arms and patted her gently. His back suddenly touched a hard bag, and when he opened it, there were some taels of silver inside, which was quite a lot.

Cheng Min froze for a moment, opened the bamboo curtain and looked at Lu Zhanting standing in front of him. Lu Zhanting frowned, "Uncle, I have nothing to repay you. I just hope that you and your sister will live a good life and be healthy in the future. If I have time, I will definitely visit you."

Cheng Min felt relieved and nodded, "You are welcome."

Even though he said such things, he didn't know if he would survive until Lu Zhanting came to see him. If things didn't go as he expected, he didn't think he would have the courage to live.

This stop-and-go journey lasted for nearly a month. In the past, Cheng Min could bear it by relying on the thought in his heart, but every time he took a step closer to his hometown, his uneasiness and uneasiness deepened. Later, He actually felt that it would be better if this road was longer, so as not to shatter his dream.

Along the way, he had many opportunities to ask Yuan Ye whether his guess was correct, but he didn't dare to ask, if his guess was wrong, how should he face it?

But no matter how much he was suffering in his heart, he was still getting closer and closer to his hometown. After hearing the local accent, he walked for half a day and saw a familiar village.

It was dusk, and there were high mountains in the distance, and a wide river flowed out from between the peaks. The sun fell on the water, shining golden light.

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