Chapter 9: Unforseen Repercussions

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Fenn Kingdom
February 19, 2023

"The kingdom of Fenn has fallen, and we've begun the occupation of their kingdom. We have suffered an estimated 420 Parpaldian soldiers dead, whereas the forces of the Kingdom of Fenn have suffered total annihilation of their forces," an aide reports to Vice Admiral Armos.

"In addition, we've captured around 200 of the locals and 50 foreigners with strange clothing," the aide added.

"Those captured are to be turned into slaves at once," Vice Admiral Armos tells the aide.

Parpaldian Empire
Capital, Esthirant
Time: 1400

Captured civilians from the recent conflict were all lined up, all going through the process of becoming slaves. No one pitied the civilians; slaves were a common sight in their Empire. One of the slaves was shot on sight after he tried to make an escape. The guard who shot him lifted his body up and showed it to the new slaves. "This is what happens if you disobey, if you try to escape." His body bagged in old clothing and thrown into the river to rot.

Little did everyone know, they were being watched from afar, a reconnaissance drone sent by the US Navy to track the US civilians. The footage was immediately reported back to the President.

Washington DC, White House
Oval office

"Mr. President, we've located the abducted civilians! They have been transported to the Parpaldian Empire, and we believe they have been turned into slaves," the president's aide reports.

"Have Ambassador Peter travel to the Parpaldian Empire. Have them return our civilians, but if we are threatened, then we will have to take drastic measures."

"Yes, Mr. President."

US Navy CSG-12
Flagship, USS Gerald R. Ford Class Carrier
East of Parpaldia Empire

"Rear Admiral, we've received instructions to stand by until Ambassador Peter arrives. It seems he's just coming back from the Mu conference and is currently North-East of the Vestal continent. ETA: 18 hours," XO told Rear Admiral Harrison professionally and with a calm and collected voice.

"Contact the ships carrying Ambassador Peter. Tell them to rendezvous with us via the shortest route through international waters. We cannot stand by that long while American lives are at stake," Rear Admiral replies as he stares out onto the vast seas of Elysia.

"Aye aye."

Contact was made with the CSG carrying Ambassador Peter, informing them of the current predicament they were in and the necessity for Ambassador Peter to be present. Ten hours later, Ambassador Peter would be transferred to the flagship of CSG-12 and tasked to save the kidnapped Americans currently located at the capital of the Parpaldian Empire. Ambassador Peter was filled in by Rear Admiral Harrison about the situation. His face said it all; after barely a day off of work, he once had to go through it all again. Ambassador Peter sighed. "I just want a day off work and relax for once."

Time: 1100

CSG-12 Flagship USS Gerald R. Ford enters Parpaldian national waters, accompanied by 2 Ticonderoga-class cruisers and 3 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers.

Heatwaves became visible on the horizon; the intense heat of the sun permeated throughout the vast expanse of Elysia. Ambassador Peter fixed his tie, straightened his suit, and slicked his hair back, preparing himself for what's to come. Rear Admiral Harrison stared out onto the vast sea, his stare unfazed. "Admiral, ETA to Parpaldia mainland: 32 minutes. Multiple warships located a couple of miles off the coast detected, confirmed via reconnaissance drone. ETA to said warships: 22 minutes." XO informs the Admiral.

"Prepare yourself, Ambassador. XO, keep our weapons ready in case of conflict."


Parpaldian Navy

"Once we dock, immediately begin supplying our ships and prepare to set sail for Fenn Kingdom once more. We will squeeze their land dry for resources and slaves," Vice Admiral Armos tells the aide.

"Aye aye."

Everyone aboard went about their day as usual, doing daily maintenance and keeping the deck clean, working on the cannons at each side of the ship. One of the sailors noticed something odd on the horizon; an island seemed to be rising, or so he thought. After closer inspection, he assumed them to be ships and immediately informed Vice Admiral Armos.

"Get a wyvern on those ships now and perform a flyby for clearer identification. I want to know the origins of these ships," Vice Admiral Armos tells the aide as he watches the ships come over the horizon and slowly make their way to them through his spyglass.

The wyvern rider prepared himself, wearing necessary equipment and putting on his wyvern's saddle and armor, proceeding to mount his wyvern. He takes a deep breath and carries out his task. The wyvern took off, making its way to the alien ships. He noticed an unfamiliar flag, one that had many aligned stars atop a blue background, along with red and white stripes. One of the alien ships then began to shout at him, "This is the US Navy, we've come for diplomatic talks with the Parpaldian Empire." The ships repeatedly said the same message. After taking note of the message, number of ships, and other information regarding the ships, he made his way back to the wyvern carrier he originated from.

"Vice Admiral, we've identified them to be affiliated with the nation of the 'US,' which bore a strange flag described by our men that went to make closed visual contact. They said the ships spoke to them in a loud monotonous voice, repeating the same message: 'This is the US Navy, we've come for diplomatic talks with the Parpaldian Empire,'" an aide informs the Vice Admiral.

Vice Admiral Armos gulped at the size of the ships; sweat trickled down his face. "How could such a nation have this kind of ship?" he thought to himself, inspecting the metallic exterior of the ships. "However, it seems they only have one cannon each; what a waste of their ship's size. This nation must have low experience in war," further thinking to himself of the possibilities such a ship could do. After a while, he snapped back to reality and ordered the aides, "Let them through; get 3 ship-of-the-lines to escort them."

"Aye aye."


Author's note:

Sorry, went inactive for a while, upload will be more sporadic than fixed. More Chapters soon!

Special thanks to Soupy for the cover art! Be sure to check em out!
IG: yummysoupcan

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