Chapter 7: Superpower: Mu

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2nd Civilization
Mu territorial waters
February 12, 2022

Sailors aboard the deck of the Nimitz class carrier USS John C. Stennis felt the cool breeze of the air as it sliced through the waters, escorted by Ticonderoga and Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer's, the US vessels moved at a speed of 30 knots escorted by the Muan Navy which could barely keep up with their pace. After what seemed like an eternity of endless water that stretched throughout the horizon, the Muan Continent finally came into view as it slowly came up the horizon.

East coast docks, Otaheit
Time: 1200

The building architecture resembled that of late 19th century period of the British Empire, the intricate designs of the buildings made it evident whereas the clothing of the civilian populace resembled that of early 20th century British fashion as men wore long coats and trousers which went along with top hats, whereas women wore corsets which were decorated with flounces and lace. Everyone went about their day as they would normally do so until they noticed the ships that came over the horizon which stood out like a sore thumb, having unfamiliar ship architecture and size as big as an island, all the ships flew a flag that was unfamiliar with the populace of Mu, minutes later, the Muan Navy came up behind the unfamiliar ships from over the horizon, the sheer size of the ships became even more evident as even the Flagship of the Muan Navy the La Kasami class battleship looked so small even compared to the smaller ships which accompanied the floating fortress of a ship at the center. Everyone at the shore stared in awe at the mind boggling size of the ships.

After the ships docked at the East coast shore of Otaheit, Captain Miniral ordered for the port to be cleared as the American ambassador along with guards made their way down. The clean dark suit of Ambassador Peter and the mismatched patches of blue and grey colored uniforms of the guards was a stark contrast to the clothing of the Muans, making them stick out like a sore thumb.

"Ambassador Peter, would it be possible for you to wait here as we inform our representatives of your presence, we will be treating you to our finest hotel at this port as you wait for our arrival" Captain Miniral tells Ambassador Peter.

"That is alright with us although i will have to decline your offer, for safety concerns we will be staying aboard our ship until your arrival" Ambassador Peter replies.

"I see, i understand that precautions must be taken, I'll be off now, oh and here, a magical communication device, they will be contacting you through this device" Captain Miniral hands over the magical device to Ambassador Peter.

"Thanks, take care captain"

"You too Ambassador"

After a little exchange of their regards, the two walks off separate ways.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign affairs officers stared at the monochrome photograph of the Nimitz class carrier with surprise and concern on their faces.

"Its evident from this photograph that this nation is more advanced than us although we are unsure just how advanced they are compared to us, to come across another nation that is built around the foundation of science the same as us, let alone more advanced is something you wouldn't see in a world of magic". One of the officers commented

"Ive called on technical officer Myrus from the information analysis division to assess this nation's technological level".

Ainank Air Base, Otaheit

Technical officer Myrus was surprised as to why he received an urgent call from the ministry of foreign affairs. Inside a room at the air base, he met with the officers from the foreign affairs ministry.

"Ah! Technical officer Myrus, we've been expecting you, forgive us for calling you out all the way here, but we have something urgent to tell you"

"What is it?" His interest piqued, he let the officer expound.

"We would like you to conduct an investigation of an unknown nation we've assumed to be newly emerging and assess their nation and technology"

"Why would you like me to assess the technological level of an newly emerging nation? I dont understand"

"This nation "was" according to what we've gathered from them, to have been transferred to our world"

Technical officer Myrus was flabbergasted after learning that it was a transferred nation, not many nations believe it, but similarly to this unknown nation, the nation of Mu was also transferred into the world of Elysia tens of thousands of years ago.

"Take a look at this" he gave Myrus the monochromatic photograph of one of the ships which hail from the unknown nation.

"Our magical detectors detected no use of magic in all of their ships, we believe them to be fully mechanical powered ships" he added to his statement.

"Even we can't field such ships, our latest ships such as our La Kasami class battleship still requires the use of magic to function properly" Technical officer Myrus exclaimed.

"Let us hold the diplomatic conference in a week, for now we must work on learning of this nations capabilities and technological level" Myrus told the officers.

"If that's what you want, we'll inform them through the magical communication device we've given their ambassador"

The pocket from Ambassador Peter's blazer glowed and a light and pitchy shrill could be heard, Ambassador Peter reached out for his pocket and took out the device, having been familiarized with the device, he had no trouble using it.

"Hello this is Ambassador Peter of the United States of America, whom am i speaking to?" Ambassador Peter speaks through the device.

"This is the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mu, we would like to inform you that we are open to diplomatic relations between our nation's and would like to hold the diplomatic conference in a week, it will be located at Ainank Air Base, Otaheit, we would like to ask what form of transportation will you be using?" The device crackled to life as it began speaking back to Ambassador Peter.

"For transportation, we will be coming through a form of an aircraft vehicle"

"A wyvern perhaps?" The Muan officer asked curiously.

"No, it's a fully mechanized aircraft vehicle which allows for vertical take off"

"I see, we will provide an escort to guide you to our air base, we hope to see you soon ambassador"

As the light from the magical device slowly dimmed, Ambassador Peter set it aside in his pocket, on the other hand, the Muan officers gained new information about the US as they've now learned it has aircraft vehicles, but unlike anything they are familiar off, an aircraft that can take off vertically. They quickly informed Technical officer Myrus and he was once again surprised, he wanted to see this unknown aircraft for himself, he felt his technology-loving spirit shake from excitement and curiosity.


Authors Note

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