Chapter 4: Battle of Gim

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February 10 2022 Time: 0900
White House, Washington DC

"Mr. President our satellites are back online, we have full coverage of the whole planet, we've also discovered cold-war era satellites on the planets orbit which seems like an anomaly considering the fact that the nations of this planet that we have visited are only on the medieval era".

"I see, find out whose nation this satellite belong to, for now i want you to monitor these satellites, there's also the possibility that they may be spy satellites, we need to keep our tech from leaking to foreign nations, so if it may be, we'll need to shoot it down."

"Noted Mr. President, moreover we've also taken a satellite image of the Lourian troops amassing near the Qua Toynian border, not only their naval assets are also on the move".

"Do we have any way of supporting Qua Toyne?" President Gordon asks.

"Yes Mr. President, we do in fact have the means, we have a few military bases on the Qua Toynian mainland after the defense treaty was signed, we've already sent a military force to support the Qua Toynian army and engage the insurgents from Louria, we also have a Carrier Strike Group on Qua Toynian national waters, judging by Louria's naval assets, the Carrier Strike Group will be more than sufficient to deter them" the aid replied to President Gordon.

"I see, very well then, considering the disparity in tech, i expect a swift end to the war, i do hope no friendly fire occurs".

"We shall leave that to our military force and navy."

February 12 2022 Time: 1000
City of Gim

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Rodriguez, pleased to meet with you General" Lieutenant Colonel Rodriguez introduces himself to the General of Qua Toyne's 30,000 strong army.

"What's with that ridiculous outfit their leader is wearing?" The General asks himself, "it's certainly not befitting of a leader of an army" he adds to his remark.

"I look forward to working with you Lieutenant Colonel" the General replies.

"First of, may i start by requesting that you do not engage your wyverns?" Lieutenant Colonel Rodriguez asks the general.

"Such a ridiculous request! Our army is pathetically out numbered, we need every help we can get, without our wyverns, we have no means of fighting their wyverns" The General replies.

"We plan on taking care of the enemies wyvern, we have weapons that can take it out of the sky and we wouldn't want friendly fire to occur"

"You have aerial assets aside from wyverns?"

"We do, and we plan on using them, but we'll also be attacking from the ground"

The general was surprised by what he has heard from the Lieutenant Colonel, after an hour long discussion, everything was settled, 2 hours after their talk, the war would begin.

Time: 1300

Dozens of MIM-104 Patriot's launch their surface-to-air guided missiles each launching 4 missiles each, all making their way above the battlefield. A dozen ground attack fighters more specifically A-10 Warthogs that took off from runways that were built, were on their way to the battlefield for ground support.

Louria 1st Wyvern Squadron

"What are these demi-humans even thinking, they're already pathetically outnumbered but their wyverns are still on the ground, such foolish beings, this will be an easy picking" the Commander of the squadron remarks.

Suddenly bright lights make their way to their squadron, "What the! What are those!" Was all the Captain could say before this whole squadron was eradicated by surface-to-air guided missiles. The rest of Louria's Wyvern Squadron's also met the same fate as the 1st Wyvern Squadron.

"I cant shake them!

"Gahh! What the hell are these!"

Puffs of smoke can be visibly appearing above the battlefield, each creating a shockwave, every missile found their targets and also killed all surrounding wyverns near their target. Louria's 4000 strong wyvern air force was suddenly reduced to only 1600. When they thought it was finally over, an unfamiliar sound could be heard throughout the battlefield, the A-10's make their way to conduct ground support. Another volley of SAM's make their way to kill off the remaining wyverns in the sky. Lourian troops began to panic after the A-10's take out their rear, most start deserting the battlefield after seeing its capabilities.

"What the hell is happening!" The General of the Lourian army shouts.

"Anyone who deserts will face a death penalty!" The General shouts to the troops who were trying to desert from the battlefield.

"Can't you see that monster of a wyvern picking off on our air force?! We have no means of taking those out, not after those bright lights started eradicating our air force!".

"This battle is hopeless General, i suggest we surrender and raise a the white flag!" The General's aid tells him.

"Please reconsider General!" The aid pleads with the General.

"I refuse to be defeated by demi-humans!" The General replies.

Before the General could mutter even a single word, he along with his aid we're killed by a nearby missile that hit the ground, a AGM-65 Maverick that was launched by an A-10. Without anyone to command the Lourian army, their army soon fell into chaos. The Qua Toynian troops were frightened by the capabilities of their new found ally. The A-10's made their way back to base, the Qua Toynian troops took care of the remaining Lourian stragglers and took some in as prisoners of war.

"Such power!" The General of the Qua Toynian army tells himself. "Their power could even rival that of the 1st civilization's maybe even overwhelm them!"

Qua Toyne National Waters
Lourian Navy

The Lourian Navy which consisted of 4000 ships made their way to capture the port city of Maihak, Vice Admiral Sharkun stood proud above his ship with full confidence in his nations strong navy, suddenly a sound that continuously chopped the air could be heard, something became visible before them, after it stopped mid air, it suddenly spoke would a loud voice.

"This is the United States Navy, you are on Qua Toynian territorial waters, change your course immediately or we will open fire!" The SH-60 Seahawk repeated its warning 3 times

After the warning, the Lourian Navy still pushed through, defying the warnings given by the US. A single Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer came up from the horizon infront of the Lourian Navy, it repeated the same warning given by the Seahawk.

"This is the United States Navy, you are on Qua Toynian territorial waters, change your course immediately or we will open fire!".

"A single ship? They dare ridicule us by matching our grand fleet of 4000 ships with a single ship?!" Vice Admiral Sharkun was infuriated and pushed to blow the single ship out of the waters.

"Vice Admiral that ship is huge compared to our ships! Moreover its exterior looks like its all made of metal!"

"What do i care? Its just one ship, get into effective range and blow that ship out of the waters!"

Before they could make it near their cannons effective range, The Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer's front cannon shot a single round which took out a ship from the Lourian Navy, the ship immediately sank below the waters, soon more shots were fired taking out 1 ship per shot. The Vice Admiral was flabbergasted by the ship's capabilities.

Authors Note

Heres a new chapter, enjoy. The next chapter will focus on the naval warfare between the US and Louria. That's all, more chapters to come soon.

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