Chapter 1: Transference

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January 24, 2022 Time: 1830
Washington D.C.  White House

President Gordon sat alone in his grand office, engrossed in the files and reports strewn across his desk. The day had unfolded like any other, calm and routine within the formidable walls of the White House. Little did he know, a sinister turn of events was lurking in the shadows, waiting to seize his attention. With a quick glance out the window, his heart skipped a beat as the world outside transformed before his eyes. What should have been a frigid night had surreptitiously transformed into a scorching day, bathed in an eerie cascade of radiant sunlight. The anomaly sent a shiver down his spine, filling the room with an unsettling silence. And just as the tension reached its peak, an aide barged into his office, their face etched with panic, signaling that the tranquility of the White House was about to be shattered by a mysterious and ominous force.

"Sir, I have urgent news to deliver!" the aide exclaimed, gasping for breath as he burst into the President's office.

"What is it?" the President replied, his voice filled with anticipation.

"We've lost contact with other countries and our overseas bases. However, we still maintain communication with our territories. Furthermore, our naval assets conducting patrols outside our waters have been mysteriously recalled back to our territory," the aide reported.

"Could this be an orchestrated attack of some sort?" the President inquired, his mind racing with the potential implications.

"At this point, we cannot confirm, but we recommend deploying reconnaissance planes to establish contact with other countries," the aide replied.

"I understand. Let's act swiftly," the President decisively responded.

Central Calendar Year 1639 January 24 Time: 0630
Principality of Qua Toyne
6th Wyvern Squadron

Marl Patima, a skilled wyvern rider, embarked on a routine patrol mission northeast of the Principality. As he gazed down at the village below, relishing the cool breeze against his face, he suddenly noticed an enigmatic object that defied explanation.

"What on Elysia is that?" Marl Patima wondered aloud, his confusion mounting as he observed the flying object, devoid of any wing-flapping motion, emitting a deafening sound.

Drawing a magical device from his side, he spoke into it urgently, "HQ, this is Marl Patima of the 6th Wyvern Squadron. We have encountered an unidentified flying object while patrolling the northeast region of the Principality."

"Copy, 6th Wyvern Squadron. Proceed with a flyby to identify the object," HQ responded.

"Affirmative," Marl acknowledged.

As Marl cautiously approached, the sound grew increasingly deafening. He discerned that the object possessed four tubular structures, two on each wing, each adorned with swiftly rotating appendages that bore a striking resemblance to Muan aircraft. Before he could draw closer, a powerful rush of air expelled from the object, propelling it to ascend at an altitude far beyond the reach of his wyvern.

"This is Marl Patima of the 6th Wyvern Squadron. I have lost contact with the UFO. It has ascended and is heading toward Myhak. I repeat, it is heading toward Myhak," Marl urgently reported.

The HQ was left astounded—a craft that outpaced the capabilities of a wyvern was now en route to Myhak, a crucial economic hub within Qua Toyne.

"6th Wyvern Squadron, this is HQ. We have an unknown flying object that has breached our airspace and is approaching Myhak. You are authorized to intercept and engage the object on sight," HQ commanded.

The other members of the 6th Squadron swiftly mounted their wyverns, prepared to intercept the mysterious intruder. As they ascended, the object came into view, one of the wyverns unleashed a fireball from its gaping maw, aimed directly at the object. However, the fiery projectile missed its mark, and the object ascended even higher.

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