Chapter 6: Anomalies

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January 24, 2022

Without any signs, no warnings, the whole of America departs the face of the Earth, considered to be an anomaly to the populace of Earth, clueless as to how it could've happened, a rupture in space and time was left before America's landmass, it continues to grow.

February 12, 2022

The tear in space and time opens up to another world, before anything could pass through, the wormhole collapsed on itself.

Washington DC
White House, Cabinet Room

"Mr. President! We were able to make contact with the nations back on Earth! Although it was brief, our contact was cut off when the wormhole collapsed on in itself" Secretary of State yells out in shock.

"At ease secretary" President Gordon tells the secretary.

"If contact was made with the nations back on Earth, then it may be possible for us to return" President Gordon remarked.

Glints of hope could be seen in the eyes of the secretaries and the president himself.

"In any case, we must figure out how this phenomenon occured and if it is replicable"

"Mr. President, after our discover of magic, we've learned that not everything has rules, it's very existence defies science, it has loopholes the break the laws of science, knowing this, if the wormhole was created by the forces of magic, then figuring out the cause of its occurrence and if it may be a replicable phenomena will prove to be a difficult task, although no teleportation magic or any of the likes currently exists in this world, it is still possible considering the endless possibilities of this force that defies science, magic" Director of Science and technology tells the president.

"I suggest we prioritize researching magic and its properties" the Director added.

"I see, a magic research department will be established asap and i want you to lead its research, funding of the research will be provided" President Gordon replies.

"Mr. President, we took satellite images of a conflict that has recently occured in the 2nd civilization area, take a look at this" satellite images of the said conflict was slid across the table and towards the President.

President Gordon's eyes widened after seeing a familiar looking battleship shown in one of the images.

"Isn't this the Yamato battleship? How is this possible?"

"We've also noticed it's similarities to the Yamato, we do not know how such stark similarity came to be, although some suggest they went down the same path as the Nazi's and Imperial Japan, this wouldn't explain this anomaly.

"We will continue to monitor the conflict and report anything significant Mr. President".

"Anything else anyone wants to say? Secretary of State, are you raising your hand?"

"Yes Mr. President, due to public demand, we have opened commercial travel to other nations, of course some nations have been restricted, given the permission, we've made all the necessary facilities to allow such travel, moreover safety of our citizens abroad will be ensured." Secretary of State remarks.

"We plan on making a trip to the Muan continent, the nation of Mu has really piqued our interest, locals in the 3rd civilization area have likened us with them with remarks saying they, just like us, are a nation built around the foundation of science, moreover this will be a great opportunity to get a closer look of the conflict occuring in the 2nd civilization area. We will be dispatching Ambassador Peter for the talks with Mu."

Capital Otaheit East Coast
Territorial waters
USS John C. Stennis

The horizon was much wider than that of Earth's, the continent of Mu could be seen in the distance, Ambassador Peter was at the deck of the carrier and admired the view ships came up the horizon. As he admired the view, Admiral John Lenning came up beside Ambassador Peter.

"Ambassador, we suspect these ships to be of Muan origin, contact will be made in 10 minutes, basing off from the outer and physical appearance of the ships and their speed on the radar, their technological level is similar to the British during early World War 1, they don't seem to have radio as they have not replied to our radio calls nor have they sent us any. I trust that you are able to handle the talks Ambassador." Admiral tells Ambassador Peter.

With a quick nod, he replied "Don't worry Admiral, i got this."

Muan Navy
Flagship La Kasami

"Captain, we have clear visuals of the unknown vessels, they seem to bear a flag that resemble none that we are familiar with" the XO tells Captain Miniral.

"What of the flags details?"

"Its top left is spangled with perfectly aligned stars with horizontal stripes that alternate from red and white."

"I am not familiar with a flag with those details, although ive heard of an emergence of a new nation that supposedly got transferred to our world"

"Captain, there is one huge vessel at the middle of their formation with 4 smaller vessels around it, the smaller vessels seen to be similar in size to our La Kasami class battleship, though they only bear 1 cannon each"

The captain was surprised with the size of the ships, the huge vessel at the middle of the formation was more than twice the size of their flag ship, he was also curious as to why they all only had small arms, especially for their size he thought. As he pondered over which nation it belonged to, and other questions regarding the architecture and arms of the vessel, time passed and they soon closed in on the Carrier Strike Group of the US.

"Here they come"

Sailors aboard the USS John C. Stennis could be seen from the Muan Flagship.

"How shall we make contact captain?"

A part of the carrier descended with 2 men on board waving towards the Muan Vessels.

"I think they want us to board over that platform"

After boarding the platform, both parties introduced each other.

"I am Captain Miniral, commander of this Muan Battle Group, state your affiliation and intention"

"I am Ambassador Peter, representing the nation of The United States of America, and here with me is-"

"Admiral John Lenning, commander of the USS John C. Stennis as well as this carrier strike group, pleased to meet you Captain"

"Captain Miniral, we are interested in your nation and we humbly request to speak with the representatives of your Nation"

"Im sorry but, I'm not familiar with the nation you speak of"

"Forgive me Captain, it might be hard to believe but it seems the whole of our nation, was transferred here recently"

"I am aware of the possibility of a transference as our own Nation, Mu, was transferred to this world as well, I will report this back to my superiors, We'll give you an escort to our port at our capital Otaheit."

A camera on board one of the vessels of the Muan Navy took a photo of the Nimitz class carrier as they escorted it towards the port, sailors aboard looked at it with awe as they looked at its enormous size and ridiculously fast speed.


Authors Note

Y'all enjoy, more chapters to come, sorry for the long delay, discord server in the making, invitation will be put on the next chapter which may be uploaded at the first week of June.

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