Chapter 132: Extra Story 1

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As one of the creation gods, the ancient existence, Zhulong, he is almost invincible, and the eyes on his forehead can be manipulated to change day and night at will.

But during the period from the creation of the world to the beginning of the Great War of the Ancients, he was always in a very boring feeling.

That kind of feeling is indescribable, and it also makes him have no interest in manipulating the world or the human world. He just likes to coil up in one place in a daze, or fall into a deep sleep.

The Yaozu is his arrangement, follow his orders.

Demons, on the other hand, obey another creator god, and ghosts and evil spirits belong to another creator god who will become the Lord of Darkness in the future.

Life was so uneventful, with occasional fights between monsters and evil spirits, but even though he had no interest in this world, he didn't have any thoughts of fighting for hegemony.

But at some point, the other two creation gods joined forces, regarded him as a thorn in their side, and secretly discussed a plan to kill him.

Naturally, during the battle between monsters and monsters, there were countless casualties.

And human beings, as the weakest existence at that time, who could be bullied at will by any existence, were almost on the verge of extinction. They hid together tremblingly and prayed that they would not be implicated in death this time.

At that time, Zhu Yuan vaguely felt that such a world seemed abnormal. This world should not be so chaotic and full of killings.

His eyes opened and he saw the future.

Then, the Great War of the Ancients began. He killed the demon ruler Chuangshishen, but he was seriously injured and killed the Lord of Darkness at the same time.

It's a pity that the Lord of Darkness retained some of his strength and hibernated in secret, but he fell into madness due to excessive injuries and being attacked by the Lord of Darkness's power, and had to seal himself in the big formation.

This big formation was created by himself, and it was set so that he could not get out of it unless he regained consciousness one day.

In addition, he knew that his strength would gradually recover with the passage of time, and he was worried that he would break through the sealing formation, so he asked the only remaining monster race to guard the formation, and told them that the human race might become the darling of heaven in the future, and It means that the luck of the monster race has declined, and it is best to unite with the human race.

For the hope of the future.

At that time, Old Bai, who could only be called Xiaobaize, wrote down these words, and watched the ancient existence enter the sealing formation with tears in his eyes, and he has been crazy ever since.

Then, the Yaozu began to protect human beings, killed the demons and evil spirits at that time, and the world completely restored peace.

Although the human race has an extremely short lifespan and is weak and vulnerable, they have an ability that demons and even monster races cannot match.

That is learning.

They learn very fast and are also very smart. They have grown the human race in just a few hundred years, and in the last few hundred years, they have directly entered the age of intelligence.

Mobile phones, computers, and even vr, numerous inventions have made human beings continue to advance like primitive giants, and even made the monsters feel extremely frightened.

The human race has also developed spiritual energy, and together with the monster race, they protect the world.

Many years have passed, and the elders of the Yao clan who have become Bai Lao from Xiaobaize have always remembered what Zhu Yuan said. In the future, there will be a glimmer of hope.

They waited and waited until a young man named Xu Dongyou appeared, and then, Bai Ze heard a message from Old Chen, saying that Xu Dongyou was a cub of the Yaozu.

Elder Bai was extremely excited, and asked Mr. Chen how old the cub was, what his abilities were, and where his parents were.

In the end, Mr. Chen said that the cub itself was a long-tailed tit, and he was only in his twenties. The most important thing was that he always thought he was a human being.

Bai Laodeng was stunned.

There are still monster cubs who treat themselves as humans in this world? How did its parents educate the child.

The most important thing is that the luck of the Yaozu has declined, and it is impossible for cubs to appear again.

Bai Lao wished to rush over immediately to ask for more details, but it could not, it still needed to guard the relics of the battlefield after the Great War of the Ancients, the remaining resentment here could not be eliminated, it could only be suppressed.

If he leaves, it may cause the resentment here to spread and spread to the world, and maybe people will die at that time.

So he could only tell Lao Bai to take good care of the cub, but not to interfere too much with the cub's relationship with humans.

Because Elder Bai began to suspect that this cub might be the hope Mr. Zhulong mentioned.

A hope that can make the Yaozu continue.

Then, that cub started to work in the processing bureau, performed exceptionally well, and successfully solved a problem that had been troubling the processing bureau for a long time.

That is, it can appease Candle Dragon, no matter how crazy it is, as long as it appears, Candle Dragon will become quiet.

Old Bai became more and more excited, and realized that his previous guess was correct. The more so, the less he dared to influence the cub too much, and repeatedly asked Mr. Chen not to interfere in the cub's decision, unless the cub's life was in danger. critical moment.

Mr. Chen carried out Mr. Bai's instructions very well, and always acted according to the plan. Not long after, Mr. Chen brought new news.

That cub has a white demon power that the demon clan has never had in its body, and it has no attributes.

Bai Lao immediately understood what this white monster power was, it was luck, or in other words, it was luck given by the Dao of Heaven.

An incredible thought came to his mind, could it be that this monster cub became refined because of the breath of heaven.

Otherwise, why have there been no cubs for thousands of years?

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