Chapter 14: Carrying out Tasks

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But now is not a good time to be curious, everyone has to solve this supernatural event first.

    Tazawa pressed the button on the wall, and the wall instantly became transparent, and one could see the secret room inside, where lay a dead body covered with a white cloth.

    Xu Dongyou immediately faltered and wanted to retreat, but he couldn't be frightened at this time, otherwise it would be embarrassing... No, it would be so embarrassing.

    No one else noticed.

    Xu Dongyou quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Tian Ze say from the side: "Usually, when things related to evil spirits enter the sealed chamber, black mist will appear, but this corpse does not. It is obviously a supernatural event." Xu

    Dongyou Immediately abandon all chaotic thoughts, prick up your ears and listen carefully.

    What Tian Ze said is very useful knowledge,

    he must keep it in his heart, and he can make notes when he goes back.

    There must be some truth to the old saying that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

    Tian Ze saw that Xu Dongyou was listening seriously, and he looked like an obedient student. Compared with teaching Zhao Liu and other members who were also newcomers, it would be more fulfilling to teach such a well-behaved and serious newcomer.

    Xu Dongyou asked in a low voice: "Captain, if it's a supernatural event, how do we catch the ghost? Is it also a way to seal the evil?" The others kept a tacit understanding, avoiding disturbing Tian Zehao's interest in being a teacher, and thus being angered


    They had already experienced how terrifying Tian Ze was in an angry state.

    Thinking of this, Zhang Wu couldn't help shrinking his neck. He was the one in the team who was beaten the most by Captain Tian Ze.

    Tian Ze looked at Xu Dongyou, and that little lump of fat glutinous rice balls popped up in his mind, bouncing around on the phone screen with difficulty, obviously he was just a kid.

    Tian Ze couldn't help but soften his voice, "The scientific research department in the bureau has developed props and enchanted weapons that our psykers can use based on the information provided by the Yaozu. If it is a demon, it will be destroyed. If it is It's a good ghost, so I'll send him to reincarnation with the Rebirth Curse."

    Xu Dongyou nodded earnestly to express that he remembered it, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Captain." Just as

    Tian Ze opened his mouth to speak, Zhao Liu had to interrupt, with the same expression as before. Calm: "Captain, the forensic department has just sent the autopsy report, showing that the deceased died of internal organs and brain hemorrhage caused by concussion and rupture."

    Everyone began to discuss this point.

    As a newcomer, Xu Dongyou obediently kept quiet the whole time and listened to

    Tian Ze's ability to become the captain of the eighth team obviously had two talents, although he seemed a bit careless and not good at thinking.

    It quickly concluded based on the ideas provided by everyone, and finalized the next step.

    Although the processing bureau is only responsible for abnormal events, it actually has real power, which is why Tian Ze can have a police certificate.

    After the deceased jumped from the building, Tian Ze had already searched the dormitory of the deceased to find clues.

    An anomaly was soon discovered.

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