Chapter 119: Mysterious Man

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The only thing that made Xu Dongyou not feel so ashamed was that after this incident, Zhulong did not make any mockery, but cared about Xu Dongyou very much.

This made Xu Dongyou's affection for Zhulong even more, and he didn't feel so ashamed, so he said, "I'm fine now."

Zhulong was still worried, and looked at Xu Dongyou's silly and cute expression covered by feathers with concern. He didn't know how it judged that Xu Dongyou was indeed coming slowly, but he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's it."

Xu Dongyou tried his best to raise his head, but now his figure is smaller than before, and it is very difficult to see Zhulong, so he can only wave his wings with all his strength, soaring into the air and falling to the half-meter-high steps under Zhulong's extremely surprised gaze superior.

Such a fluffy sparrow can support the whole body with two short wings, which is really amazing to Zhulong's eyes.

But my heart is itching even more.

Xu Dongyou, who has returned to his original form, seems to have lost the beauty and elegance of his human form, but has more fluffy feathers that make people want to ruthlessly fuck.

It's just too cute.

Even the stupid hair on the top of the head looks so cute.

Xu Dongyou didn't like changing clothes in front of Zhulong, especially when he changed back to human form, it was even more embarrassing, and Zhulong had recovered most of his sanity now.

So Xu Dongyou simply maintained the original form to discuss this matter with Zhulong. Zhulong recalled it carefully, but did not search for any information related to the Darkness in his memory, but it told Xu Dongyou: "This so-called The name of the Diablo is false, and coupled with the fact that the other party has been weakened, and he can regain his sobriety, it immediately reminds him of who the Dark is.

But the current Xu Dongyou and all human beings shouldn't know more information about the dark place at this time, just let human beings continue to search for the teleportation house and destroy the evil tree.

When one day I come out from the sealing formation, everything will be solved easily.

Xu Dongyou nodded, stayed with Zhulong for a while, and then left. Before leaving, he asked Zhulong to turn around, and then he quickly recovered his human form, hurriedly put on his clothes, and said goodbye to Zhulong before leaving. It's gone.

Then, he relayed Zhulong's words to the processing bureau, and the processing bureau immediately attached great importance to Zhulong's words, saying that he would intensify his efforts to continue searching for teleporters and destroy all the evil trees.

Then, half a month later, a teleporter was discovered, and the evil spirit tree above it was growing extremely fast, with nearly a hundred evil spirits growing under the luxuriant branches and leaves.

Compared with the first two, this one is more spectacular and makes everyone shudder. Therefore, Xu Dongyou's current strength is the most suitable as a strength, and he is called to help.

Xu Dongyou didn't even think about it, so he agreed directly. Remembering the lesson from the last time, he told Xu's father and Xu mother about the task he was about to perform, and made Xu's father and Xu mother feel at ease. Will return safely.

Xu's father and Xu's mother could only nod in satisfaction with red eyes, and the whole family ate a meal.

Xu Dong wandered away from home, entered the teleportation room, and started to be busy. Like before, he first eliminated the evil spirits little by little, and finally set traps around the evil spirit tree, and then began to dig the earth to attack the heart.

After a little bit of consumption, it took about a month to finally get rid of this evil tree.

This time, not only the handlers, but even some ordinary people felt that the city seemed to be less uncomfortable. This feeling was not felt by one or two or three people, but by most people. Feeling it, they discussed this matter out of novelty, and even asked about the official Weibo.

The official Weibo said that this is because the city has purified the air, so it feels like the air quality has changed.

This answer made everyone suddenly realize.

It is impossible for the officials to inform the public about the transmission, lest the news spread and make the remaining guardians vigilant and suspend their activities temporarily.

In this case, it is even more difficult to find the teleportation point.

At that time, the processing bureau also issued a very stern warning to all handlers, prohibiting betrayal of human beings. Once discovered, they will be sentenced to death. At the same time, future generations are also prohibited from participating in the work related to the processing bureau.

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This stern warning immediately frightened some handlers who were tempted to move by the guard, and immediately reported the information to the higher-ups, who asked the handler to cooperate falsely, and finally caught the guard by following the vine. People, then find and destroy the teleporter.

At the moment after the disappearance, all the handlers suddenly raised their heads, even ordinary people looked at the sky, they didn't know why they did this, they just felt that something appeared in the sky, ‌‌Like nothing.

But it was obviously noon, and clouds like burning clouds appeared in the sky in all regions. The magnificent beauty made people unable to help but look at it for a long time.

However, Xu Dongyou saw the Huoshaoyun in the sky, which seemed to vaguely form a shape like a dragon. At first glance, it looked very much like an ancient candle dragon.

There is even an indescribable intuition in his body, which is constantly tempting him to find something quickly.

Xu Dongyou stood in a daze for a moment, then walked forward according to his heart, found Tian Ze and was about to borrow the van, but saw a man in black clothes not far away, he was big and handsome With a stern demeanor and majesty mixed with a sense of distance, he looked at Xu Dongyou with heavy eyes.

Xu Dongyou didn't know why, his heartbeat started to speed up at that moment, and his face became red uncontrollably.

Tian Ze was puzzled, "Lidong, what are you doing stupidly?"

He followed Xu Dongyou's gaze, but saw nothing, only the handler was busy packing things.

Tian Ze tugged at Xu Dongyou's arm, Xu Dongyou suddenly came back to his senses, glanced at Tian Ze, then hurriedly turned around, only to find that there was no one there.

The mysterious man disappeared.

Xu Dongyou was stunned, a sense of loss emerged in his heart, he was extremely depressed and felt extremely difficult.

Maybe we will never meet each other again?

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