Chapter 34: Life Streaming Equipment

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But there are some people who find new reasons for it.

[Is there anyone who believes in these photos? I very much doubt that the reason for the sudden interruption of the live broadcast was because of an accident in the performance. Those passer-by actors in the hospital must not have pretended to be injured and went to the emergency room, but it just proved that there must have been an accident at that time. Now Known: This live broadcast company is the real behind-the-scenes controller, who has the authority to directly shut down the live broadcast, you know. 】

This comment is like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

The more people think about it, the more they think it makes sense. Indeed, this reason seems more convincing than believing that there are strange fish with strange abilities and strange people who can control water in this world.

Those netizens who insisted that this video is real have also begun to waver, but there is still something that doesn't make sense.

How did those special effects teams manage to create realistic scenes during the live broadcast that can be compared to other movies that require at least half a year of behind-the-scenes production?

The most important thing is that no matter how you look at the live video, you can't find any traces of special effects. Could it be that the technology of this special effects team has far surpassed all the special effects teams?

But why haven't I heard of such a powerful team? It stands to reason that it shouldn't be unknown until now.

More and more people are pouring into the official Weibo of the live broadcast to comment, asking whether this was deliberately directed and performed by the live broadcast official. Nausea.

[Reported, I can't stand this kind of person who is desperate to make troubles just to get popular, is something wrong now? So many people have been injured, this live broadcast platform can be cold. 】

[It's so cold that it won't be cold, but if you still pretend to be dead and don't apologize until now, then you should be cold. 】

More and more people scolded, and even some major anchors who were live broadcasting were affected, and the live broadcast room was controlled by a large number of negative comments.

[Stop the live broadcast, your live broadcast company injured more than a dozen people for a gimmick, and the official blog pretended to be dead and refused to respond, how dare you live broadcast? 】

[Hurry up and terminate the contract with the company, they don't treat others as human beings today, and they will treat you as human beings in the future too]

[Garbage company, garbage company, closed down today? 】

However, the big anchors couldn't bear the disturbance and started the broadcast in advance, while the small anchors had a fixed live broadcast time limit every day because they signed the contract, so they could only pretend that they didn't see the barrage and continue the live broadcast.

Some people were scolded and cried and turned off the live broadcast directly.

All the staff of the live broadcast company became ants on the hot pot in a hurry.

Today's incident is really too big, especially the comments on the official blog are completely unreadable.

If it is not done well, the reputation will deteriorate.

The directors of the company couldn't sit still anymore, and rushed to the company overnight to the chairman's office. No one knew what was discussed inside, and when they came out, the directors had already left with a smile on their faces.

I'm Not A Human Anymore!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें