Chapter 67: Don't Help

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It's not just this audience who thinks so, even those audiences who happen to be in that city also have this idea in mind.

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This is too coincidental.

They did not connect the live broadcast with the lack of signal, but thought that the home network was temporarily disconnected, and restarted the device, but the result still showed no signal.

Immediately confused, he could only turn off the wireless of his mobile phone and switch to data traffic to watch the live broadcast, but the result still showed no signal. It was at this time that he noticed that his mobile phone card showed no signal.

No way......

He hurried out and knocked on the door of the neighbor next door. The neighbor next door was a man in his twenties. After opening the door right now, he asked directly, "Does your mobile phone have signal?"

He was taken aback, and quickly replied: "I'm here to ask you this question. My mobile phone card, and wireless, all have no signal."

The neighbor said that I was the same. They stared at each other for a few seconds, then turned around and knocked on other houses. The result was the same.

Could it be that there is a problem with the signal in this area?

He went home again, suddenly not knowing what to do.

Without the Internet, he seems to be in an isolated world.

All the residents of the city encountered the same situation. They went upstairs to ask each other, and finally got the same result. They could only chat upstairs to make time.

Coincidentally, the two residents of the same building had watched Xu Dongyou's live broadcast, and they happened to talk about this matter, and they all said it was too coincidental, and they didn't know if the anchor's mouth had been consecrated. It can also happen to be like this. After the network is ready, you must make complaints about it on the Internet.

When the two of them were talking halfway, they suddenly saw a police car driving in. People in the community thought the police were here to deal with the lack of signal, and immediately surrounded them.

As a result, the two policemen immediately stopped everyone approaching solemnly, and asked, "We are not here to deal with the lack of signal. Is Zhang Minfang, a user of Unit 5 203, here?"

Among the crowd, a girl in her twenties weakly raised her hand, "I am."

The residents knew the girl, and they all spoke well of the girl when they were puzzled.

The police quickly pressed their hands to silence everyone, "Ms. Zhang did not break the law, please don't be nervous, we are here for another matter."

They walked over and said under Zhang Minfang's puzzled and nervous eyes: "Half a year ago you participated in the activity of playing mobile games to give away mobile phones, is this mobile phone with you now?"

Zhang Minfang nodded hastily, "Yes, yes."

She quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it to the other party. The other party looked at the dazzling app on the screen of the mobile phone, and then handed the mobile phone back, "Have you uninstalled a game called Monster Town? ‌."

Zhang Minfang nodded again. This time, she knew that the police probably had something to do with her mobile phone and the mobile game, so she was not so nervous. She immediately clicked on the mobile game from dozens of apps before handing it to the other party.

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