7: Romeo's a Joker and Juliet's Blind. . . This Is A Happy Love Story

Start from the beginning

He chuckled equally slyly, “are you serious?”

“As serious as you want me to be.”

I heard him take a few steps closer, having him so close I could feel his body just less than a foot away. “very.” I heard him grin.

I giggled. “And-”

“Avalona! Daaaaarliiinn'” I heard Mother call, just not to far from my bedroom door.

“Oh shit hide!” I pushed him away and ran towards my balcony door, only to crash into the wall. I yelped in surprise then stumbled inside my room. I heard Kassper close the doors behind me with a small chuckle. I hurriedly found the curtains and shut them so Kassper couldn't see. Or they see him.

I heard a knock on my door, “Daaaaarrrliiinng!” Mother called through. “You would never guess who's here!”

Oh Lord not Great Maw Maw for a surprise visit!

The door blasted open with a great whip of air and Chanal perfume, making me flinch.

“Ava!” I heard a familiar voice shriek, making me flinch from the sudden noise, yet again.

I gasped. Yes! “Hanna!” I cried as my 21 year old super model sister pulled me into her long arms.

“Omygod I've missed you sooo much! I mean, Europe's great but I've missed you more!” she babbled animatedly.

I love Hanna. She was the only one of my family members that actually gets me.

“I missed you too!” I laughed. She's been away in Europe for about 9 months for some big modeling job. She was pretty excited when she left, and I'm happy for her.

“So, meet any cute guys?” She asked as we sat down on my bed.

“Han, you know I can't meet anyone. I'm locked in here, remember?” I said, rolling my head a bit. (AN: not like OMG IM FAINTING but its Ava's way of rolling her eyes. Its just a slight role. Now ill shut up so you could continue).

She gasped then roughly grabbed my hands. “You didn't!

I nodded, holding back a smile, “I did.”

“OMYGOD! Are you okay? I mean of course you are but if you go outside I want you too have at least me with you. And did you meet anyone? Hotties? Huh? Huh? Huh?!”

“Slow down,” I said holding my hands up, “I'm fine. I'm okay and I met a really nice girl named Sage. She's about my age and insists on taking me out of here. And-”

“She knows? Ava, honey!”

“No listen!” I cut her off, “she's really sweet and hasn't told anyone. And she even set me up on a date last night. It was awesome at a place called The Show-”

“You went on a date? And at a tacky karaoke club without my knowledge!” she sounded pissed.

“I- well. . .” what could I say?

She surprised me by pulling me into her infamous bear hug. “I'm so proud of you! My little Avalona's growing up! In a span of 9 months she went out into the world for the first time, made a friend, had her first date and-”

“Hannah!” I cut her off. “It was actually a span of 3 weeks-”

“Even better! And how many times did you go out without Mom and Dad's knowledge?”

“About 9, 10 times. . .” I mumbled. Oh crap. Better wrap this up. Kassper must be getting worried. And cold.

“Okay who are you and what happened to my little sister?” she said excitedly.

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