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Author's POV

Months passed away like winds.. Everyday brought new expectations and happiness into Shreenika and Vihaan's life..

One person decided to accept it as its fate while the other found a way to live those expectations..

Few meetings changed into weekly dates..
Having dinner together sometimes breakfast too..  It became a habit for them to stay together..

Shreenika accepted her fate and accepted Vihaan's proposal..
They were getting married in a few days..

Vihaan also started getting used to her cold nature..  He stated finding himself in her,  but failed everytime..

She started running away from him.. More he got closer more she ran.. She tried her best to appear as a bad person..

But he loved her..
Maybe more than the world..

Shreenika was sitting inside her room with her best friends..

They were eating snacks while discussing about different shopping sites..

“Shree.. Where are you..? " Tanisha tried and chuckled..
“Kuch nhi.. Bus aise hi.. " she said and pushed her pillow away..

“You really wanted to marry him.. Isn't it a dream come true moment" Erika said in a dreamy voice..

Shreenika smiled a little and then continued with their talks..
Erika took a break and went to the washroom..

Tanisha got closer to Shreenika and started talking to her. 

“You lied to her.. But at least tell me the truth..  Sach mein shaadi karni hai na..? "
She bowed her head and avoided making eye contacts with her..

She sighed and got up.. She had gotten her answer.. Ericka came after the break and looked at them..

“Ree.. Let's go..  I guess it's late.. " Tanisha said and pulled Erika..
She nodded and both of the friends bid farewell..

Shreenika slumped down on her bed and muffled her screams..

After a few days..

Final touch ups were down..  The bride was already dolled up for her groom..

Everyone was downstairs welcoming the baraat.. She was alone in her room..
She got up and went towards the window to get a glimpse of him..

Vihaan came out of the car and looked up.. 
She hid behind the curtain making him smile at her antics..

Although he was not able to see her clearly but was sure that she looked beautiful..

Shreenika's look

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Shreenika's look

Shreenika's look

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Vihaan's look

The exchange their garlands and the priest was chanting mantras..
They were made sit side by side..
Shreenika avoided the eye contact and looked down most of the time..

After few more mantras the vows started..

In the first vow, the groom said that I will bring happiness and happiness to you and the children we gave birth, and you should give me food and help when necessary.

In the second vow, the groom says that we will protect our children and our home together, while the bride promises to stand by her husband as her strength and courage.
She promised to be happy for his happiness, and in return, he asked him to be loyal to her.

In the third vow, the groom hopes that they and their children will have a prosperous future.
The bride’s response was to assure her that she will continue to be loyal to her husband and that the other men in her life are secondary.

In the fourth oath, the bridegroom announced to the bride that she had completed her life and promised to respect her.
He wants their children to be obedient and noble.
He also hoped that their children will live long and expressed interest in seeking their education.
The bride promises that her husband will bathe with joy and happiness and will do everything to please him.

In the fifth oath, the bridegroom called the bride his best friend and blesser. He thanked her and asked God to bless her.
She said that his happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are now hers. The bride promised the groom to respect him and work hard to realize his wish
The groom expressed his gratitude and called the bride his best friend, while the bride promised to love and cherish their relationship forever.

In the sixth vow, the bridegroom said to the bride: “Now you and I have walked six steps, I am very happy.
Can you promise me to fill my heart with the same happiness for the rest of my life?”
In addition, the bride promised to and her husband lifetime.

In the seventh and final vow, the groom declared: “We are now husband and wife, and now we will always be together.”
In her answer, the bride said that she is now with God, becoming his wife, and both are always cherished and glorified.

After completing the vows and pheras,  they were considered as husband and wife..

The priest asked Vihaan's to fill her hairline with vermilion and tie the nuptial chain around her neck..

Shreenika had tears in her eyes..
She is his wife..  She is HIS
She belonged to him..
He belonged to her..

The too the blessings of their elders and completed the wedding ceremony..

(All these information is taken for google..  I am sorry for any wrong/negative opinion these vows/oaths..
I didn't wanted to hurt anyone's religious beliefs or feelings)


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