~21~ "Agreements."

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Oliver POV:
"Nice to meet you Stephanie." I extended my hand towards her. She took it and we shook hands. "Hey, aren't you friends with Ms.Popular over there?" She pointed to the lockers, which I looked at and there was Michael. Ms popular?

"Ms popular? First, I thought he, well, she was a boy? Second, they are popular?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, I assume you don't know. Basically, Noah is Mr popular, everyone calls him that because he's the most popular guy. Michael over there is also very popular, but because he looks feminine everyone calls him Ms popular."

My lips made an 'O' shape as she explained everything to me. "But.. you see, Michael stole my title. I used to be Ms popular, but when he came in the picture he ruined it for me." She explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay? If you don't mind me asking, what does that have to do with me?" I asked. "I want you to help me get.. "rid" of him you can say."

"What do you mean? Because i'm not going to kill him if that's what you want me to do." "No.. I just want to ruin his reputation a bit." "Why do you even want my he-"

She suddenly pulled out a full bag of money from her bag. "I'll give you this if you help me.." She smirked. I was intrigued by the money, and honestly Michael didn't seem like the type of person to be my friend. He seems too weak and vulnerable.

It'll be a piece of cake to get to him. "Sure." I smiled and took the bag. "You got a plan?" I asked as I admired the money. "Yes.. I do."

Michael POV:
I stood by the lockers as I just glanced at the doodles and writings I had in my notebook from last class. I didn't really pay attention, I was mostly drawing and talking to Mark through my notebook.

I giggled at some things we wrote, then glanced back up to see not a great sight. First thing I saw was Noah by the wall, and second was Oliver talking to.. Stephanie? I don't know why anyone would want to talk with her honestly.

She's quite annoying. And if i'm being honest, i'd much rather talk to Noah than her. I slammed my notebook shut, with it making a small thud and I put it back in my bag.

I put my bag back in my locker and headed to the cafeteria since it was time for lunch. I hope Stephanie wouldn't make an influence on Oliver. That would be absolute shit.

440 words. The betrayal Oliver has.. what do you think is the plan? 🤔

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