~18~ "New friend."

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Credits to @Idriss1983 ! Thank you for the idea<3

Michael POV:
I was with Simon by the lockers, just talking about some things. "No because the math test was so hard, I got a fucking 57!" He yelled.

I laughed and backed away, before I was pushed. Or at least, bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I looked at the guy holding his hand out to me. "Yeah i'm fine, sorry about that." I said back, taking his hand and got up.

"I'm Oliver, what's your name?" "Michael." "Nice to meet you Michael! I hope we can be friends." He smiled. I returned the smile and he continued his way. "He seems nice." I said, turning back to Simon. "He does. Anyways,"

That's where I left the conversation. I don't know if I was imagining it, but I thought I saw Noah staring at me. Though, it probably was my imagination.

Noah POV:
I was leaning on the wall with Stephanie as she rambled about something I really didn't give a shit about.

All of a sudden, I heard some noise and Michaels voice. I looked in the direction where the noise was coming from, and there was another boy there. I raised an eyebrow and listened to what they were saying.

Looks like they had bumped into each other. His name was Oliver, apparently. I watched as he walked off and left Michael smiling. I started to feel some sort of way, like anger. Jealousy, probably. I'd just ask Michael about it later.

Michael POV:
Sadly, it was another class time which is where I was heading right now. As I passed a classroom, I was pulled inside so quickly I didn't really have a chance to react.

Once I was inside, I learned from the previous time that this had happened to me, and quickly turned the lights on. I frowned when I saw the person in front of me.

"Out of everyone.. it had to be you." "What do you mean?" "You know what exactly what I mean, now let go." I said as I tried getting out of his grasp. "Why should I?"

"Sorry let me remind you, you have a FUCKING girlfriend, you mocked and made fun of me, and you didn't defend me when your beloved girlfriend was doing the same thing."

"So? What was I supposed to do?" He rolled his eyes. "And that's exactly what I mean." I said as I punched his stomach to let me go. "Fuck you.." I rolled my eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know, maybe that you LIED to me, USED me, and the fact that you still haven't changed." I held out of fingers as I said a new example, trying to make a point.

He stared at me, i'm not sure if I was correct about this, but I thought I saw a look of shame in his eyes. I didn't care though, he literally used me. Lied to me. I thought he earned my trust and forgiveness. I can't forgive him for that.

Even if I have feelings for him, im not forgiving him for what he did. I guess i'll try to get rid of these feelings as soon as possible. I scoffed and walked out of the room, thankfully without hearing his voice for long or seeing his face for long.

567 words! The next part of this should come soon! Im having exams starting Friday, so it will be very stressing. I hope you all understand<3

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