~19~ "Threats."

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Noah POV:
I sighed as Michael gave me a glare as he passed me through the hallway. He's been ignoring me for the last few days, which I honestly hated.

I've been trying to get his attention in any way possible, but nothing seems to work. I don't blame him, I mean I did mock him and do other shit I shouldn't have.

"Mike-" I tried to say while grabbing his wrist, before he gave me another glare and snatched his wrist away. "Don't touch or talk to me." He scoffed before walking away.

I backed away and watched as he left, then I lightly smacked my head on the wall. "Idiot.. I'm such an idiot.." I whispered. I heard a laugh and felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey baby! How are you?" She smiled while holding her bag. "Hi." I didn't really feel like talking to her, so I kind of just cut the conversation short. "Is something wrong babe?" "No."

I turned my head and rolled my eyes. "Okay, well Alex, Kayla and Me are gonna skip class and go smoke. You wanna come?"

My eyes were peeled on Michael talking and laughing with some other guy, the same one that bumped into him a few days ago. "Noah?" Stephanie tapped me on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, no i'm not coming," She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Okay, have fun in class then babe." She giggled and kissed my cheek, running off.

I rolled my eyes again and cleaned off the lip gloss mark she gave me. I never really liked her at all. I focused again on Michael and the other guy, Oliver I guess.

"Cool! So, the coffee shop down the street?" "Yeah, sure!" Coffee shop? "Alright, i'll see you later then Mike!" He smiled and ran off. I heard Michael giggle and he walked off.

I frowned and followed Oliver. He went into the bathroom and I followed him. I leaned on the wall as he fixed his hair, washed his hands, just doing normal stuff.

"What do you think you're doing with Michael?" He turned around as I spoke, my voice probably shocked him a little. "Huh?" "Don't play stupid, I said what do you think you're doing with Mike."

"Uh.. nothing? Why? Who even are you?" I scoffed and walked over to him. Trying to make a threat, I grabbed his throat, suffocating him. He started choking, as I could hear.

"Listen. I want you to stay the fuck away from him. Otherwise, i'll fucking slaughter you." He had a look of small fear in his eyes, I could tell. "Do I make myself clear?" I spoke clearly.

He nodded. "Good." I let go and he dropped to the floor, then I left. Hopefully that was all I needed to do to make him stay away from him. I didn't want to do something that I know I would regret.

488 words! Do you guys think Oliver will stay away from Michael? 🤔

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahWhere stories live. Discover now