~12~ "Asking?" ♡

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Michael POV:
I sat at my desk in my seat as the teacher was talking about the assignment that was going to be due today. I was just messing with my pencil not really paying attention, when suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked to my right where I felt it and saw Simon. "What?" "Is it true?" I raised an eye brow and looked behind him, to see Fredrick. "What is?" He looked back at Fredrick then at me, leaning toward my ear.

"Did you have sex with Noah?" He whispered. My eyes grew wider and I blushed. I nodded slowly and backed away. "What? Michael!" He whisper-yelled.

"I don't know what happened! He just did it and I.. went along with it..." His jaw dropped and I sighed. "Michael and Simon. Is there something important you guys are talking about that I have to stop my teaching for?"

We looked back to the teacher and shook our heads. "No ma'am." "Alright then, pay attention." I nodded and she continued her lesson. She turned to the board and I looked back at Simon.

He looked at me as well, and took out a small piece of paper. He took his pencil out and started writing something I couldn't really read.

A few seconds later, he gave me the note again which read "We'll talk more later at lunch". I looked at him and nodded before crumbling up the paper and putting it in my backpack quietly so no one would notice.

At lunch...

I sat on the stool in front of Simon and Fredrick at the lunch table. Simon was staring at me and I was staring back, when we heard chewing noises.

We looked at Fredrick who was just eating a sandwich and we both gave him an unimpressive look. He looked up at us and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked between chewing.

"You really ruined that moment y'know." Simon face-palmed himself. "I JUST-" Simon then smacked the back of his head and he started to whine. I laughed and looked back at Simon.

"Anyways, Michael." Simon spoke sternly. "Hm?" "So what happened." I frowned and sighed. "Look I don't even know, he just started acting like we were dating and he just did it."

"And you didn't stop it?" "I mean, no.." "SO YOU LIKED IT?" "No!" "Then why didn't you stop him?!" "I-I don't know!" He brought his hands to his face, repeatedly face paining himself.

I rolled my eyes at him being dramatic, when something caught my eye. I looked to my side and saw Noah, looking at us. He noticed me and smirked, winking afterwards.

I blushed and quickly turned around. "A-anyways.. where is Mark?" "Oh, he got a bit sick so he stayed home today." "Maybe we should visit him later after school then."

"Sure, then we can tell him how you had se-" I quickly covered his mouth and he did a muffle yell. "Shut up! There's people all around us!" He nodded and I let go.

Fredrick laughed and Simon smacked him again, followed by him saying "Hey shut up!". I sighed and was about to leave, when Simon called for me. "But wait, Mike."

I turned around and looked at him. "Yes?" "Have you told anyone else other than me and Fred?" "No, just you two."

"Alright well, we won't tell anyone but you should still be careful. You don't who could go around and say shit." "Mhm, I will. See you guys at class." "See ya."

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria, going to my next period. The words Simon told me replayed in my head, which started getting me a bit worried.

"We won't tell anyone but you should still be careful. You don't who could go around and say shit."

I rethought it, and I just hoped to god that Noah wouldn't say anything like that either. Hell, I don't even know why I would trust him with something like that.

It's not normal of me to say or do stuff like this, especially with Noah. I sighed and went to my locker, grabbing my backpack.

Someone slammed my locker and I jumped slightly, looking up. "Hey beautiful." He winked. "I've told you before to not call me that. We. Aren't. Dating." He chuckled and put his fingers under my chin.

"We could be?" "You haven't told anyone about.. that. Have you?" "Why would I? I'm not a snitch." "Hm. Debatable." I shrugged and looked away.

"Someone has an attitude. You know that turns me on, don't you?" I blushed and kicked him. "Get away! That's the only thing I wanted to know!" I held onto my backpack and ran to my next class.

I heard him chuckle behind me as I continued to run. I blushed and slowed down, heading to my next class. I sighed and finally arrived, sitting down in my seat as I waited for everyone else to arrive.

I though about everything that had happened from lunch all the way here. I blushed slightly and just tried taking that off of my mind, even though I knew I probably wouldn't be able to.

871 words! Angst is coming up soon.. also! I am thinking of starting a youtube channel and a discord server.. what do you guys think? Let me know!

For my people asking to continue my other books, I will continue them! I'm just wanting to finish this first^^ Hope that's okay! Have a great day/evening everyone! Love you all and see you in the next chapter<3

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