~10~ "Caught.."♡

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Michael POV:
I sat in the locker room inside of the gym. My legs shook as I remembered what happened yesterday. Not in fear, but some other feeling that I couldn't tell.

I blushed and remembered every detail and word. Why would he do that. We aren't even dating, we're fucking rivals! I can't say I didn't enjoy it though...

Suddenly I heard the door open and I looked up. It was Noah. Why was he always where I was at the worst times. "What."

He looked over to me and smiled. "Hey darling." "Stop calling me that, we aren't dating." "Oh? That's not what you said yesterday?" I blushed and covered my face with my hands.

I heard him chuckle and his footsteps walk over to me. "Now now, don't be flustered. I always want to see your beautiful face." He winked and I snatched my head back.

"I'm not yours okay? As I said before we aren't dating." "We could be." "The fuck? No! We are rivals!" "Are we though?"

I thought about it, and I guess over the few days he's been acting some sort of soft. I scoffed and looked away. "Don't look away from me love."

"I said stop calling me those names!" "Heh, your cute when your mad." He kissed my cheek and stood up.

I glared at him and watched him walk out of the locker room. "Dumbass..." I whispered as I crossed my legs. "Mike?!"

I jerked my head around and saw Fredrick with his mouth wide open at the door frame.

My eyes widened at the thought that he had listened to me and Noah's conversation. I jumped up and ran to him, throwing him in the locker room with me.

I immediately went next to him. "Please don't tell anyone about this!" "Why the fuck did you have sex with your rival?!" "You know about that?"

"You just admitted it!" "Whoops.. but listen I didn't want to! He kinda just.. did it." "Mhm, yeah that's not what I think happened." I blushed and covered my face.

"So are you guys dating now or-?" "No! We are rivals!" "Doesn't seem like it." "Well we are! So please don't tell anyone." "Can I tell Simon and Mark?"

"I guess, but make sure they don't tell anyone." "Sure, but make your move if you wanna keep this dude."

He shrugged and walked out of the locker room. I sighed and thought about what he said. Why would Noah even have sex with me? I thought we were rivals. I'll try to confront him tomorrow I guess.

433 words! Uh oh, what will happen next? 🤔

~Rival Enemies~ Michael x NoahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang