Peace returns to Kanezaka

Start from the beginning

Y/N:I mean you were the one begging for your life. Atleast i truly know what your true nature is.

Kiriko:Yep act like your everything. But in reality you are one big coward! Must really suck to have him as your dad.

Y/N:Yep it really does.

Genji:Well thank you for keeping him alive. I thought Kiriko would be the one to kill him.

Kiriko:I could've if i wanted to.

Masaru:Put me in a cell, i'm sure that my men will get me out!

Genji:What men? Besides your going somewhere special.

Masaru:What do you mean?

Genji:Well Masaru, i will be sending you off to a maximum security prison. Especially since you've been working with a specific organization.

This caught both Kiriko's and I attention. We remember about's investigation about the prototype mech. Some guy stole the prototype and just gave it to the Hashimoto clan.

Could this be the organization the Genji could be referring to?

Masaru:What organization? The Hashimoto clan works alone.


Kiriko:Talon? What's Talon?

Genji:That's for both me and Masaru over here to discuss.

Masaru:I don't know anything about a group called Talon.

You can tell by the sound of my father's voice that he is lying.

Masaru:I've always worked alone. You are just trying to frame me Shimada scum!

Genji:Well I'll save the questioning for the interrogation room.

My dad is probably lying to save his skin. Whatever this group Talon could be, they are probably bad news.

Another man walked into the office, it was that depressed looking guy from earlier.

Masaru:Kiyoshi you came to save me!

From this both Kiriko and i turned around. We both got into a fighting stance.

Kiriko:Come at us, i still got energy for one more.

Kiyoshi:I'm not here to fight. I'm here to speak with the boss.

Genji:We cannot allow that. You might scheme something with him.

Kiyoshi:I don't want to speak to him. I'm talking about him.

He pointed at me and walked up to me.

Kiriko:What do you want with Y/N?

Kiyoshi kneeled down to my presence.

Kiyoshi:Boss, please lead the Hashimoto well.

I was very confused by his actions, as i have no plans to take over the Hashimoto clan.

Y/N:What are you talking about? I don't want to lead.

Kiyoshi:But you are now boss of the Hashimoto clan. There are two ways to take leadership. Either by the current leader dying and the heir taking over. Or the heir overthrowing the current leader. You have overthrew Masaru making you the boss. Please lead us well, boss.

I'm still confused by this guy, why does he want me to lead?

Kiriko:Back off pal, Y/N isn't going to lead this good for nothing clan!

Kiyoshi:Please Boss, you can breathe new light into the Hashimoto clan!

I began to think, then i made a smirk.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now