28: The New Dawn

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After saying our bittersweet farewells to the humans and Ratchet staying behind much to our surprise, we were now back on a newly revived Cybertron, but something felt off. That feeling only grew when Optimus informed us he and Wheeljack were going to go and retrieve the Allspark despite my protests on leaving me behind.

"Y/D, they will need a healer while Ratchet is not here." Optimus said, gently kissing my forehelm. "I promise to be back before you know it."

"Just... come back in one piece, okay?" I said, reluctantly watching as he and Wheeljack entered the starship and took off.

'Palatonarus.' I heard a whisper say, my wings twitching as I became alert. 'Go to the Well of Allsparks and commune with your past, the Dark is approaching, and the 14th of the 13 needs to prepare.'

"Y/D?" Bulkhead said, pulling me from my thoughts. "You okay?"

"I... yes. Do you think you and the others will be fine if I leave for a bit? There's something I need to do."

"Keep your comlink active, I'll let Bee and the others know." Bulkhead said. I then took flight and flew over the glowing ruins of Cybertron, making a beeline for the dark well. I then landed not far from it and slowly approached, taking up a meditative stance and closing my optics.

In my minds eye, I saw all of the past versions of myself, all waiting for me, with them also stood Galacticas and Alpha Trion.

'Palatonarus, it is time.' Galacticas said. 'An old enemy threatens the life of Primus and the New Dawn.'

'Unicron? But how? He was banished!' I exclaimed.

'His physical form was snuffed out, but his spirit is still very much alive and has taken possession of the one you call Megatron.' Alpha Trion said. 'The dead of Cybertron are awakening, beasts of the past now move where they once rested. You must defend the Well of Allsparks from his shadow.'

'I... I understand. But I don't know how.'

'You do Y/D.' Galacticas said, gesturing to the blade and shield. 'Bring them together, and you will know.'

I felt the ground shake, and I was torn from my meditative state, a sense of darkness rapidly approaching me.

"Y/D!" I heard Bumblebee yell as he and the others ran over to me. "We've got a huge problem."

"I know." I said, my voice not my own. My optics flickered from their once bright (f/c) to a brilliant white, my wings glowing with golden light. "He's coming." I whispered, taking to the air and hovering over the Well. I spotted the reformed Megatron riding on the back of an undead predacon, a massive horde of them following suit.

"Palatonarus! You will not prevail against me!" He roared.

"Darkness shall not consume the Light!" I cried out, looking back at the Autobots. "Hold your ground and show no mercy! We can not allow the Dark to eat the Light!" I then closed my optics and drew Riftweld and Riftwall, slamming them together as hard as I could. A brilliant wave of golden fire consumed my frame, the fire shooting out and slicing a rift in the sky. A swarm of Palatonic Guardians all poured out and landed below, Galacticas looking up at me.

"What is your command, Palatonarus?" He said.

"Bring forth the New Dawn." I said, diving down and leading the charge. The swarm of spirits all battled alongside the Autobots and I, my swings and bashes igniting the undead horde in a blast of holy fire. Left and right, I cut through the blasphemous seige, eventually coming face to face with the possessed Megatron.

"You are a fool to face me!" He bellowed, summoning a set of Dark Energon blades that clashed against my shield. "I will consume your light!"

"The Dawn shall prevail. It is as the 14th was created." I said, my voice sounding like all of those from my past. I then bashed and slashed at Megatron, each strike sending a thundering shock through the ground. I then bashed the blade against the shield, a blast of holy fire slamming into him and throwing him back. I charged and struck Megatron, grabbing me and chucking me to the side. I skidded to a halt, getting back up. We circled each other slowly, his sickly violet optics fixed on my brilliant white ones.

"I must admit Palatonarus, this is a pleasant surprise. It will make your death an impactful one for certain." He sneered.

"If I die, then I die knowing I defended Primus as his Flame, rather than as a coward hiding in the dark." I said, Megatron charging at me again, and I dodged his attack, countering it with a bash to his face. Megatron then slashed at me and kicked me in the chest, my frame skidding back into a massive undead Predacon. I whipped around and slashed at the beast, my glowing blade cutting through it like it was made of paper. The predacon then burst into a firework of golden ash, a deafening shriek escaping it.

I then returned my focus on Megatron, our battle continuing to rage on. It was unending, and I could feel my energy being drained the longer I defended. But I was not going to let the dark take me, not yet. I then sensed the Matrix rapidly approaching, Optimus landing and joining the fray. The fact he was nearby gave me more strength, and I continue my assault.

"Back down, Unicron!" I cried.

"Never!" He roared, landing a massive blow to my chest in a spray of golden energon. I let out a shriek of pain and stumbled backward, my arm wrapped around the wound and my vents rapid.

"Palatonarus! You must use the Blood of Stone!" Galacticas called. I then took in a shaky vent and coated the blade in the golden energon that leaked from my wound and then stood one final time. I slammed the blade and shield together while Optimus snuck behind the Unicron possessed Megatron with the Allspark container, releasing a blast of golden light that slammed into Megatron.

"Unicron the Destroyer! By the Light of Primus, I his Holy Flame, BANISH YOU FROM THIS REALM TO NEVER RETURN!" I cried out, the light pushing through him, and a sickly violet aura shot out of his back. I felt the blade and shield crack and shatter as I forced the dark out of Megatron. When I sensed he was purged from him, I stopped, my frame covered in golden veins and flickers of holy fire.

I then collapsed and fell to the ground, my limbs growing numb and everything hurting. Optimus ran to me only to be stopped by Galacticas. Optimus gave him a strange look along with the rest of the Autobots.

"Palatonarus has completed his purpose, and thus can not stay in this plane." He said, walking towards Optimus. "Somethinf that I believe you know. We will guide you to your final rest when you are ready."

"What is he talking about?" Ratchet asked. Several Palatonic Guardians, including Dreadwing, gently lifted my weak and battered frame.

"In order to contain the antispark, I had to take the Allspark within me. I'm... afraid I am no longer part of the living in that regard. Once it returns to Cybertron's core, I will be no more." The Autobots looked at him and back at me with mournful expressions.

"Do not mourn our loss." I said, leaning against the spirit of Dreadwing. "This is the New Dawn, an age of rebirth and reformation." I then let out a tired sigh, everything going cold and my colors slowly fading. The Palatonic Guardians then gently lifted my frame and brought me over to Optimus. Optimus then handed the trapped antispark to Galacticas and carried me bridal style to the edge of the Well of Allsparks. The Guardians followed, and all of us dove into the Well, my optics closing one final time as I felt my spark go out.


I awoke in a strange realm, my optics darting about at the sight.

"Palatonarus, we have been waiting for you." I heard Alpha Trion say, the old prime materializing with several others.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You are in the Realm of the Primes." The one I recognized as Micronus said.

"I'm not a Prime, though." I said to which the deceased Primes chuckled.

"Your deeds, both large and small, have earned you the title, Flame of Primus." Alpha Trion said. "But, there is someone here looking for you." Alpha Trion then gestured behind me, and I turned around to see a confused Optimus looking around. I immediately ran to him.

"Optimus!" I cried out, leaping up and wrapping my arms around him. Optimus then did the same, our forehelms pressed together.

"You both have a new mission, but for now, I think you both deserve a long overdue rest."

"You don't know the half of it."

A/N woooo finally I finished this fucker!

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