7: Riftwall

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"Optimus, we got a signal from some sort of beacon." Ratchet said. "Do you recognize it?" Optimus looked at the reading and shook his helm. The interaction caught my attention, and I curiously went to investigate.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Not sure, it seems to be some sort of beacon, but the energy signature is strange. It's the same type of reading that Shellshock's ship read as although this is much smaller." Ratchet said.

"It may be something she brought." I said, my ridges furrowed. "Whatever it is, we gotta get to it before the Decepticons."

"Y/D, since the others are currently out with their charges, you and I shall investigate." Optimus said. I nodded, and Ratchet fired up the ground bridge, and we both went on through. As we emerged on the other side into a dense forest, I could sense something, my wings stiffening and the Palatonic Stone glowing slightly in Riftweld. Curiously, I drew the blade and studied the strange glow.

"Optimus, are you seeing this?" I asked, to which the Prime nodded. I moved the blade around, and the glow grew stronger when the Stone was pointed in a certain direction. I slowly stepped forward towards the direction the blade was leading us. Eventually, we came to a clearing where a massive stone tree stood. Laying at the base of the tree was the last thing I ever wanted to see. Laying with his back against the tree rested the rusted remains of a Palaton, his wings shattered, and the paint on his armor was burned. He was clutching something to his chassis that I instantly recognized.

"That.... that's impossible." I whispered, returning Riftweld to my back and approaching.

"Y/D, did you know him?"

"No, but I know what he was protecting." I said, gently reaching for the deceased Palaton. As soon as I touched him, he desintigrated into ash, leaving behind an intricately detailed shield with the Palatonic Guardian sigil proudly embossed on its face. Carefully, I picked up the shield, and it attached to my forearm and clamped down. I jumped in surprise, Optimus running to me with concern.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, holy Primus..." I whispered, observing the beautiful addition to my frame. "Do you know what this is?"

"I'm afraid I do not."

"This is the legendary shield of Palatonarus  known as Riftwall. It was lost centuries ago shortly after the passing of Palatonarus. What it's doing here, I do not know." I then furrowed my optic ridges, suddenly the peices coming together. "Optimus, I know why Shellshock tried to kill me and why she was here!" I exclaimed, looking up at him.

"Y/D, what are you talking about?"

"Like Riftweld, Riftwall is a conduit except it connects to the realm of the Primes instead of Primus. If the two were to join and meld with the spark of Palatonarus, it would unleash a power rivaled to that of the Requiem Blaster. Which means.... Galacticas." I paused and was deep in thought, anxiety in my spark. "He... he was right."

"What do you mean?" Optimus asked. I then went to explain my vision and what my former mentor said.

"We are dealing with dangerous power here. If I do have the spark of Palatonarus... oh Primus, I-I can't! This can't happen! I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed, my vents becoming rapid.

"Y/D, look at me." Optimus said in a calm tone. I looked up at him with fear, my wings twitching violently. "Slow your vents, everything will be okay."

"Or so you'd think." A voice said, out stepping Megatron and Starscream with a cruel smirk on their faces. They were followed by 3 vehicon foot soldiers with blasters at the ready. I instantly switched from fear to defense and drew Riftweld. "For once, Starscream, you were correct. There is a Palaton amongst us."

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice stern and cold. Optimus drew his own weaponry at my side, and his battle mask was raised.

"Hand over those relics, Palaton." Starscream growled.

"And why should I surrender my creations to the likes of you?" I said, although I do not know why I said it. It was like I had a second voice speaking for me.

"Because I was the one who terminated your former master. I believe you owe me a debt." Megatron sneered.

"I owe you nothing. Now be gone!" I snapped.

"Feisty, you will make an interesting opponent." Megatron said, drawing his blade and charging at me. I blocked his blow with Riftwall and shoved him back, instigating a firefight with Optimus battling Starscream and the vehicons. I stayed on the defensive, focusing on keeping my steps light. I then bashed Megatron's face with the shield as hard as I could, throwing the warlord back. I then shifted my focus to the vehicons and took them out fairly quickly. Megatron went to charge at me but was blocked by Optimus, the two rivals clashing their blades together.

I went to join in when I was cut off by the seeker, his blaster firing at me and grazing at my wings. I suddenly felt myself get lifted up by something around my leg, a yelp of surprise escaping me. I was dangled upside-down, coming face to face with the silent mech known as Soundwave. He swung my frame to the ground and then chucked me into the stone tree with a loud crash. I felt a splash of energon escape my intake from the impact, the air forced out of my vents.

I forced myself back up and charged at Soundwave, bashing and slashing as best as I could.

"Y/D! Look out!" Optimus cried out as I was tackled by Starscream. I slammed my helm backward into his faceplate and whipped around to deliver a roundhouse kick to his chassis. Starscream stumbled and fell on his aft. Soundwave then stepped in and had both of his tendrils wrapped around my frame, squeezing tightly around me like a serpent to its prey.

"Optimus!" I cried out, my wings crunching in the coils and a shriek escaping me. I felt my vision darken as I struggled to vent. The last thing I heard was Optimus calling my name before I passed out.

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