15: Healers

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When Optimus and I entered the base, we saw Ratchet struggling with a very hurt Bulkhead. Immediately, I ran over.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Tox-en, I can't keep him stable!" Ratchet panicked. "Dammit! His spark keeps going in and out!"

"Ratchet, back up. Please." I said. Ratchet looked like he was about to protest before Optimus placed a servo on his shoulder. I focused on Bulkhead's fading spark, my frame kneeling next to the Wrecker.

I nervously swallowed before regaining my composure, my servos hovering above his chassis. I let the energy from my frame flow, a ball of golden lights dancing between my servos, my wings softly glowing along with them. I closed my optics and guided the lights into him, coaxing his spark to strengthen.

'C’mon Bulkhead. It isn't your time to go. Miko needs you. We all need you. Come to me.' I called to his spark.

'Y/D?' He called back.

'Follow me, Bulkhead. Follow my light.'

'I can't. Everything hurts!'

'Yes, you can. You are a Wrecker. Wreckers don't give up. Follow me!'

The room was tense, and I could feel my energy draining quickly. Suddenly, Bulkhead gasped and coughed, scaring the Pits out of everyone in the room.

"Bulkhead!" Miko cried out as she ran to her guardian and hugged his faceplate.

"M-Miko?" Bulkhead said as he slowly got up, Rstchet helping him to the medical berth. I let out a sigh of relief at the sight. I stood shakily with a disbelief grin on my face.

"I... I did it." I whispered, the glow leaving my servos and wings. I then felt my sustems crash like crazy, my helm spinning and my audials ringing loudly. "I... oh, Primus, I think I'm gonna pass out." I felt myself fall to my side as the entire room spun. Optimus rushed over to me and gently raised my upper half as he knelt down.

"Y/D? Are you okay?" He asked, worry on his face.

"Y-yeah..." I whispered before almost passing out against him.

"Ratchet." Optimus said with worry. After a few scans, Ratchet gave him a look of relief.

"He'll be alright. He's just exhausted. But... what did you do?" Ratchet asked as he looked over to me.

"Something... I failed to do a long time ago." I said softly.

I stood over Galacticas with tears pouring from my optics.

"Please don't die! I can't lose you!" I cried out, struggling to focus on healing my mentor. "Don't go. No, no, no!" I desperately tried to conjure up the energy, failing over and over.

"Y/D...." Galacticas whispered. "It's... it's okay."

"No, it isn't! You're sick, and I need to heal you!" I sobbed the energy I was trying to produce failing to form in my servos.

"Let... let me go. Everything... will... be okay." He rasped, followed by heavy coughing. Energon leaked from his intake, his condition clearly worsening.

"But I-I-I don't understand!" I exclaimed in desperation.

"You will. Take... Riftweld." Galacticas said as he removed the blade from his back.

"Galacticas?" I whispered, my mentor handing me the blade. I hesitantly took it with uncertainty in my optics.

"You are the only one... who can... bring the new dawn." I watched as my mentor slowly went limp, his optics flickering out and his colors fading away.

"Galacticas? GALACTICAS! DON'T LEAVE!" I cried out, grief shattering my spark and my vents rapid and wild as I went into a fit of pure hysterical sobs.

-end flashback-
"Y/D?" Optimus said, snapping me out of my mind. I then clung to his chassis in response, my face buried in his neck.

"Optimus, it would be best for Y/D to go rest." Ratchet said.

"Can you stand?" Optimus asked. Hesitantly, I forced myself up with the help of Optimus, stumbling a little. "Easy love, I have you." He said, gently guiding me to the berthroom and laying me down. He gently kissed my helm, and before he could leave, I grabbed his servo and gave him, what the humans call a 'puppy dog look.' Optimus let out an amused sigh in response. "I'll be back, I promise. I need to speak to Ratchet." Optimus said. I gave him a tiny pout but complied and let the Prime go. I shifted on the berth, so I was on my side, the painful memory of when I lost my mentor plaguing my mind.

'You did everything you could, Palatonarus.' I heard Galacticas say. 'And you've learned so much. I am proud of my student. Thus, this will be the last time we speak. Fairwell, and may Primus guide you.' I then felt a slight chill, as if some spirit had brushed past me and faded away.

"Fairwell Galacticas." I whispered, the feeling that something heavy was lifted off of my spark. That's when I came to the conclusion that I had finally forgiven myself for my greatest failure. I was at peace and complete. I closed my optics and curled up on the soft berth, the sound of someone climbing into the berth reaching my audials. I then felt familiar strong arms wrap around me and bring me close.

I opened my optics and looked up at Optimus, the Prime gently kissing my forehelm.

"How's Bulkhead?" I asked.

"He will recover, Ratchet says it will take some time before he is combat ready again. However, I doubt he would have survived if you hadn't done what you did."

"I'm just glad it worked." I said, pressing my helm against him. "I... I was afraid it wouldn't work. I was never the best at healing."

"Was that what happened to Galacticas?" Optimus asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't find my focus while healing him and thus couldn't perform the procedure. It takes a lot of focus and energy to do it." I said. "I only wish I could have been able to heal his physical injuries rather than just prevent his spark from going out."

"It was a noble thing either way. But for now you need rest." Optimus said as he kissed my helm. I snuggled into him and closed my optics again, drifting off into a deep and peaceful recharge.

Guardians And Primes (TFP Optimus x Mech!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें