22: Secrets

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It wasn't long before Optimus went to check on me and found me in my meditative state in our shared berthroom. I opened my optics and looked up at him curiously.

"Y/D, why... why didn't you tell me of the things Shockwave did to you?" Optimus said. I let out a small sigh and stood, walking over to him and pressing my helm against his chassis.

"I was afraid to." I said, my wings twitching in anxiety. "I... there's a lot of secrets about me that I keep to myself. I know I shouldn't have kept them from you." I felt tears threaten to reach my optics as I took in a shaky vent. "I was scared that if.... you knew... I'd lose you, o-or you'd see me as weak or... you'd become disgusted by me."

"I would never think anything different of you, Y/D." Optimus said, gently tilting my helm up. "I love you too much to even remotely see you as weak." Optimus then picked me up with his strong arms and brought me into a warm kiss, a burst of affection and adoration flowing from his end of the bond. I reciprocated the gesture and wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, breaking it after a few moments and pressing my helm against his.

"I'm sorry, my love. I shouldn't have kept such a thing a secret." I said, Optimus giving a content hum and setting me back down.

"Do not worry yourself, love. I understand why you were hesitant about revealing such a thing. But I have to ask why Ultra Magnus seems... hostile towards you."

"Blame Makeshift for that." I said, crossing my arms. "Back on Cybertron, Makeshift used his abilities to pose as a Palaton and infiltrate the Elite Guard. He was caught thankfully, but the secret of our existence was at great threat. Galacticas had us go further into hiding, and none of us were allowed to interact with the Elite Guard until Makeshift was brought in. From what Wheeljack has told me, I doubt we will have to worry about him again. I do not blame his suspicion."

"I will have a word with him about his treatment towards you." Optimus said as he kissed the top of my helm.

"Thank you... I doubt he would listen to me." I said, following Optimus out and to the main area. I avoided optic contact with Ultra Magnus as he eyed me suspiciously. I shifted nervously, and Optimus noticed.

"Ultra Magnus, I ask that you treat Y/D with the same respect you would treat me." Optimus said firmly.

"If he's really a Palaton, then he needs to prove it to me." Ultra Magnus said. I then stepped forward and summoned several small golden balls of flame, my wings glowing the same beautiful color. Ultra Magnus's optics wided in shock at the display, and he shrunk back. "By Primus..."

"I am Palatonarus, the Flame of Primus and weilder of Riftweld and Riftwall." I said, my words not my own. "I believe this is more than enough evidence." I then dismissed the flame and the glow dampened from my wings, Ultra Magnus looking over to Optimus.

"Please... forgive me." Ultra Magnus said.

"No need to apologize, Magnus. You had every right to be suspicious, especially when Makeshift tainted our light with his deceit." I then gave him a reassuring smile.

Since then, Ultra Magnus treated me as someone to be respected, although it was a bit doting how he did it. He would often snap at others for not addressing me properly, to which I would respond by waving him off and pinching the space between my optics.

"How do you deal with this so easily?" I asked Optimus one evening. "This... respect thing. It's not necessary, and I keep telling him this, yet he keeps doing it."

"Ultra Magnus is a very 'by the book' individual, I find it simpler to just accept it and move on." Optimus said as he sat on the berth and laid back with his legs up. I then joined him by wedging myself between his legs and resting my upper half against him.

"I guess I'm not used to being respected in an official way." I chuckled. "I just hope he doesn't overdo it. The others seem a bit uncomfortable around him."

"I believe the different leadership styles between Ultra Magnus and I are to blame. However, I think they will adjust eventually."

"I can only hope."

A/n I know short, but the next one will be one filled with drama with good old Shockwave. Also question: should I do another Bumblebee x Mech reader or do Bulkhead? Or maybe Wheeljack? Idk still debating.

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