10: Unicron

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As I lay unconcious on the medical berth, I had a strange dream play in my mind. I was surrounded by darkness and white mist, glowing figures flickered in and out all around me.

'Palatonarus. The time is rapidly approaching. The Chaos Bringer awakens soon. You must search for the signs. The Prime will need you to be his light. Do not let the Shadow eat the Dawn.' I heard the figures whisper. 'The Stone and Spark are one. Now you must rise and drive out the oncoming dark.'

I suddenly felt like I was falling, and I jolted awake with a gasp, looking around and seeing I was in the medical bay.

"Easy Y/D easy." Ratchet said, guiding me to a seated position. "Optimus, he's awake." I looked over to the concerned Prime, Optimus walking over to me and gently taking my servo in his.

"You had us scared there for a bit." Bulkhead said.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled, my helm resting against Optimus's chassis.

"Y/D, can you explain what happened out there?" Optimus asked softly. I then went to explain what I could remember and then the weird dream I had.

"I don't know what it all means. But... I think the Palatonic Stone is now part of my spark the same way the Matrix of Leadership is part of Optimus's." I said. "It's all very confusing."

"If what you say is true, then we are to prepare for the events that are to come, one way or another."

"Optimus, this is insanity! You can't bring him here!" I protested to the Prime.

"Unicron is awakening, and Megatron is the only one who can lead us to his spark." Optimus said. Before I could continue to argue, the ground bridge opened, and the hulking warlord stepped on through. I could sense the Dark Energon coursing through him, and I drew Riftweld defensively as I glared at him.

"Feisty little thing, aren't you." Megatron cooed, something in his tone agitating me more.

"Stand down Y/D." Optimus said, the warlord now giving me an even more curious look. I reluctantly lowered Riftweld but still kept it in my servo with my optics fixed on the warlord.

I watched from a distance as he and Optimus spoke to each other, my wings twitching in anxiety. Ratchet seemed to notice and placed a servo on my shoulder.

"I don't like this." I whispered, observing every bit of Megatron for anything suspicious.

"None of us do. But it is something we must do." Ratchet said. Megatron then looked over at me and gestured for me to come. I glared at him and reluctantly complied.

"You will be accompanying us on this venture, Palaton." Megatron said.

"Was going to anyway, none of you know how to handle these kinds of energies. Besides, I don't trust, I barely even tolerate you, but for the sake of this world and many others, I will work with you. But if you so much as look at Optimus or anyone else funny, I will not show restraint when I cut you down." I growled, Optimus placing a gentle servo on my back in a silent plea for me to watch what I say.

"I wouldn't expect anything less of a Palaton." Megatron smirked, his optics running along my frame in a curious yet sinister way.

"Then let's be off, allow me to take point." I said.

Soon, we were inside the very core of Unicron, everything eerily quiet. I took in a deep vent and focused on my spark, my wings glowing a brilliant gold.

"Quickly." I whispered. "We are about to be under siege."

"How can you tell?" Arcee asked.

"Palatonic Guardians are trained to sense spiritual energies, both benevolent and malicious. Unicron knows we are here. I can provide a sort of shield, but not for very long."

"Do what needs to be done Y/D." Optimus said. Suddenly, we were ambushed by strange creations, my blade and shield slashing and bashing at the creatures. I then focused as best as I could on my spark, my wings igniting in a brilliant golden flame. The flames from my wings surrounded the two groups as we split off, the creations of Unicron slamming into it and igniting in a fiery burst of light.

"Move move move! I can't keep this up forever!" I cried out as I ran with the two mechs. I could feel my energy levels draining and rapidly the closer we got to the core, eventually breaking into Unicron's very spark. "I'm going to widen the barrier. Whatever you plan on doing, please do it quickly!" I said, kneeling down with Riftweld and allowing all the energy I could muster to dump into the flames. I closed my optics as I did this, my systems rapidly crashing as I tried to hold the wall steady. I heard Optimus cry out in pain, and my optics snapped open to see him on the floor, and the spark of Unicron snuffed. I dropped the barrier and stumbled over to him, fear in my spark. I felt my energy cbecome completely drained at this point, and I fell next to Optimus. The last thing I heard and felt was the Prime's voice and the feeling of someone lifting me up.

I awoke in a sort of medical wing where I was completely strapped down to the berth. I struggled in a panic, trying to break free.

"Easy doll, no one's gonna hurt you." I heard a voice say, my helm whipping towards a cherry red mech and a bulky blue mech.

"Breakdown, can you inform Lord Megatron that the Palaton is awake?" The cherry mech asked. The one called Breakdown nodded and then left.

A short time later, Breakdown returned with several vehicons, the cherry mech releasing me from the berth, and the vehicons attempted to restrain me, but I shrugged them off.

'When surrounded by the enemy in a position that leaves you at a huge disadvantage, it is better to fight with a silver tongue than a silver blade.' I remembered Galacticas one told me, the advice definitely one that I needed.

"Don't be rude." I snapped at the vehicons, the clones looking at each other in surprise. I brushed off my armor and walked over to Breakdown. "I'm assuming Megatron wants to speak to me?"

"Yes, and you are to be escorted." Breakdown said. I rolled my optics and allowed the vehicons to surround me and escort me through the halls. That's when I noticed that Riftweld and Riftwall were still firmly attached to me.

'Odd, they didn't take them.' I thought, keeping a poker face as we traveled through the halls. Little did I realize that I was about to get myself into a huge mess that would take some clever thinking to get out of.

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