16: The Rookie

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"Optimus, are you sure you don't need me out in the field? The escape pod could be a trap." I said, my wings twitching with anxiety.

"I understand your concern, which is why I am having you stay here with Bulkhead." Optimus said as he kissed my forehelm. "We will be okay, I promise."

"Just... just come back in once piece." I said, watching as the majority of team Prime left through the groundbridge. I then sighed as it closed and went over to Bulkhead, who was sulking.

"I should be out there with them." He said.

"I know, I don't like it either." I said anxiously. I then decided to try and meditate to calm my nerves, placing Riftweld on my lap as I sat criss crossed.

"Why do you do that?" Bulkhead asked.

"Hm?" I said, looking up to the seated Wrecker.

"The whole meditation thing. I never understood why you do it."

"It's complicated, Bulkhead, but to put it simply, it helps calm my nerves and helps me find my focus." I said, kind of surprised at his curiosity.

"Does it work?" He asked.

"Most of the time, it's also a sort of spiritual thing that we are trained to do that takes a lot of discipline to master."

"I still think you secretly recharge while you sit like that." I snorted in amusement at his comment. I then stood back up and walked over to him. "So is it true that Palatons can heal like some sort of magick?" Bulkhead asked.

"Yes and no, it's difficult to explain. We can prevent sparks from going out and heal physical injuries, but it takes a lot of energy to perform as it draws on our own lifeforces." I said, my ridges furrowed. "I was never the most skilled at it."

"You prevented me from going offline. That's gotta count for something." Bulkhead said.

"I suppose, but I wasn't able to heal your injuries." I said, gesturing to Bulkhead's still healing leg.

"Can you try, at least?" He asked.

"Ratchet would clock me over the helm with a wrench if I did." I chuckled. "Plus I... I don't know if I could."

"Can you at least try?" He asked. I hesitated and then took in an uneasy vent.

"Just don't tell Ratchet." I said. I closed my optics and focused on conjuring up the energy, a small gold sphere forming in my servo. I then guided the sphere over his leg, Bulkhead letting out a sigh of relief. I lost my focus at the sound and the sphere poofed from existence. "Scrap!" I muttered in annoyance, my helm spinning slightly. I sat on a nearby crate as a small wave of fatigue hit me.

"I'm sorry, Y/D." Bulkhead apologized.

"Don't worry, big guy, I'm just not skilled enough for it."

"If it makes you feel any better, it did help." Bulkhead said.

"Y/D, we need a bridge." I heard Arcee call over the comlink. I slowly got up and made my way to the controls and fired up the bridge. I watched as the Autobots returned, spotting a plus one with them. I stared at the young mech with then, his optics lighting up in awe at me.

"Who's this?" I asked, keeping a neutral tone and expression, but internally, I was anxious.

"I'm Smokescreen. Wow, an actual Palaton." The young mech said as he approached me. My optics flicked to his insignia, and I grew more tense, apparently Optimus sensing it over the bond. He gave me a reassuring look as Smokescreen fawned over me. "I heard a lot of stories of Palatonarus and the Guardians! I thought you were all a myth."

"It was insinuated that we were a myth on purpose. It kept our true nature a secret." I said.

"Then this has to be destiny for me! Here I am on an organic planet with The Optimus Prime and a Palatonic Guardian!" Then he noticed the shield and blade I carried, and I swore his optics grew to the size of hubcaps. "Are... are those the Palatonarus Relics?"

"Yes, and they belong to me." I said, my wings giving away my anxiety.

"With all this, how hard can it be to bring Megatron down?" Smokescreen said, his prideful and cocky demenour causing my ridges to furrow.

"Young mech." I said, my tone firm. "It is far more complicated than it seems. We are heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Not to mention, he has his servos in about every inch of energon this planet has. I understand that those of the Elite Guard often have a bold demeanor, but this isn't Cybertron or some training exercise. This is a war, one which must be maneuvered through with caution."

"You say that like it's hopeless." Smokescreen said.

"No, I say it as it is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to meditate and regain my center." I said, heading over to the berthroom and taking up a meditative position on the berth. I could overhear the conversation that went on in the main area.

"What's with him?" Smokescreen asked.

"Y/D is a complicated individual." Optimus said. "I believe in time you and him will come to understand each other." I then heard Optimus walk down the hall and open the berhtoom door, shutting it behind him. I then looked over at him with a tired expression. "Are you okay, love?"

"I'm worried, Optimus." I said, Optimus sitting on the berth with me. "I don't trust the Elite Guard, and he has the characteristics of a typical member. I don't want to cast judgment without understanding him, but I just can't seem to look past that."

"Smokescreen is young and inexperienced. He hasn't seen the things you have or know the struggles. Patience is something we must have for him until he learns." Optimus said, gently kissing the side of my helm.

"I just hope he doesn't have the overwhelming sense of pride like the others I've met." I said. "I don't want him to suffer the same fate that the others faced."

"I doubt he will love."

'We can only hope.'

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