5: Visions

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I awoke the next morning alone, which was a bit frustrating but understandable. I rose from my berth and stretched my wings before exiting the room and heading to the main area. I went to my corner where i usually did my meditations and sat on my legs, my servos in my lap, and my optics closed. I focused on the thrum of my spark, relaxing my frame and slowly venting. I went into a deeper and deeper meditative state, the world around me not existing.

'Palatonarus.' I heard a voice whisper. 'Palatonarus. Awaken.'

'Who are you?' I called out, unsure of what was happening.

'Awaken Palatonarus.' The voice said, much louder this time. In my minds eye, I saw a glowing orb materialize, shifting shapes and taking form. I instantly recognized the being in front of me and knelt down before him.

'Galacticas.' I whispered. 'Why... why do you call me Palatonarus?'

'Because you are him, and you have a task ahead of you, one you are not prepared for. You failed to show restraint towards Shellshock.'

'I... I know. I regret it, and I wish I had been more stable. But I don't understand, why was she even here?'

'To terminate you.' I looked up at my mentor with surprise. 'Do you remember the story of how Palatonarus originally fell?'

'Palatonarus was ill with an unknown disease. That's what the records showed, at least.'

'He was assassinated. Poisoned by Shellshock. Her goal was to destroy Palatonarus and take the Palatonic Stone from Riftweld. She came after you because she learned you had his spark.'

'But... how? Why?'

'It is unknown to me, but her death at the hands of Megatron has triggered a chain of events that you nor anyone else are prepared for.'

'What must I do?'

'When the time comes, you must join your spark with the Stone. For now, recover and prepare for the oncoming storm.' I watched as my former mentor faded from my sight, and slowly, I came out of my meditative state but kept my optics closed.

"He's so still. It's creepy." I heard Bulkhead say.

"Like a statue creepy." Bumblebee whirred.

"Will you two leave him alone?" Ratchet scolded, a small chuckle escaping me as I opened my optics and looked up at the two mechs who were hovering over me.

"Can I help you with something?" I said, standing up.

"They were trying to see if you were recharging or actually meditating." Ratchet said. I cocked a ridge and shook my helm. I then spotted Optimus entering from one of the halls.

"Optimus, may... may I speak to you about something?" I asked, a sense of guilt in my spark. He nodded, and I followed him to one of the empty storage rooms. "I... I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day." I said. "I failed to show restraint, and... I lost control. You saw a very ugly side of me that no one should ever see. I... I would understand if you don't want to... be close to me." I said, shrinking away and hugging myself. I was terrified of what he would say, but that terror was washed away when he placed a kiss on my helm.

"It was a moment of weakness Y/D, you were angry and in pain. I do not blame you for reacting the way you did. I do, however, strongly urge you never face an enemy in wrath or in solitude again." Optimus said softly as he pulled me into a hug. "I may have only known you for a short while, but... the thought of losing you terrifies me. Promise you won't ever run off without thinking again?"

"I promise." I said, gently pulling away. "Can... can you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"Can you promise to wake me up when you do instead of leaving me alone?" I asked sheepishly.

"I can certainly try. I didn't want to disturb your peace." He said, and I swore I saw blue on his cheeks.

'Adorable.' I thought with a small smile.

Later that evening, I found myself in Optimus's berthroom rather than my own. My frame flushed against his as we both laid on our sides facing each other. Optimus had his servo resting on my hip, and I had mine resting on his back. My helm was nestled in his chassis, and his rested on top of mine. It was extremely comfortable, and I felt secure.

As I was drifting into recharge, I felt Optimus kiss the space between my optics, a smile spreading on my face.

As we both went into recharge, a certain human with the help of her rotund companion snapped a photo of us.

"'Just friends', huh? Like my aft they aren't."

A/N Sorry, it's short, but the next one will be longer, I swear.

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