24: Parts

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I awoke with a sharp pain in my shoulder, my optics shooting open and sob escaping.

"Easy Y/D, your arm was severed and crushed to peices." Ratchet said. "I was able to create a new one... but..." I looked over to him and then down at my arm, and my ridges furrowed. It was simple and clearly made of spare parts, my hand nothing more than 3 singular claw like joints. I tried to remain calm at the situation.

"Did you retrieve Riftwall?" I asked, holding back the emotions I was feeling.

"We did." Optimus said. I sat up and stared at my arm, my face blank, but internally, I was crying. Optimus must have felt my anguish through the bond and went over to me, placing a gentle kiss on my helm.

"I'm sorry, Y/D, I... I did the best I could." Ratchet said.

"I'm not angry, Ratchet. I... I just... I don't know how to..." I couldn't even form a sentence.

"Will he be able to fight, doctor?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"With physical therapy and time, he will become accustomed to it." I flexed my new digits and took in a shaky vent. I stood up much to Ratchet's protests. I gave him a look before spotting Riftwall laying on a table. I went over and attached it to my new limb, the shield shifting its form as the back of it encased my arm, reinforcing the thinner metal, much to my surprise.

"That solves that issue for the moment." I said, observing the new metal plating that Riftwall had created. It shared the same intricate design as the shield and seemed far more sturdy than the rest of my armor plating. I then looked over and gave Ratchet a small smile. "Thank you for at least giving me an arm. It may be limited, but it's better than nothing."

Over the following week Ratchet had me do all sorts of weird strengthening exercises such as picking up the lob ball that Wheeljack and Bulkhead liked to mess with  and tossing it up and down a few times and picking up the human's backpacks for precision. I was able to do everything he asked, much to his surprise.

"I believe you are cleared for active duty." Ratchet said. "Just be careful and don't overdo it. If it starts to hurt, I want you to fall back." I gave Ratchet a sarcastic scoff in response before nodding. I then went over to our shared berthroom, Optimus sitting on the berth reading a datapad.

"Hey. Docbot just cleared me." I said, Optimus looking up at me with a small smile. I then sat next to him and nuzzled into his neck cables, giving one of them a small bite. Optimus chuckled a little at the motion and kissed my helm.

"Y/D! OPTIMUS!" We heard Ratchet yell, both of us standing and quickly making our way to the main area.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking up at the monitor as I felt my spark drop. "Impossible... she... she's supposed to be dead!"

"Who is?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"Shellshock. My... former master. Megatron killed her! Why is her energy signature showing?" I felt my wings stiffening, and I swallowed my fear. "I need someone to come with me. If she is, in fact, alive, it is not through natural means."

"It could also be a trap." Ratchet said.

"I can not take the risk of her being alive. She is far too dangerous." I said. At this point, the rest of team Prime had gathered and were curious.

"What's your call, Y/D?" Wheeljack asked. I looked up at Optimus, who gave me a nod.

"If it's a trap, it's a damn clever one. If not... we may be facing something highly unnatural. Shellshock has dabbled in darker forces before." I said, a memory from the original Palatonarus playing in my mind.


"Shellshock! This is beyond madness!" Palatonarus cried out.

"What would you know about madness?! I seek the power of Unicron and the Fallen! Now get out of my way!"

"I can not allow you to proceed with this. You have already defiled the graves of many fallen warriors."

"Then fall like the rest of the Primes!"

-end flashback-

"Y/D? What's wrong?" Arcee asked, snapping me out of my mind.

"Nothing, just... a memory. We have to move." I said. Little did I realize that this was one of the greatest deceptions ever produced.

A/N I know short, but the last few chapters will be longer. I'm just preparing for them cause I only plan on 4 more for this.

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