attract stupidity

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Hey, ladies!" Sadie walked into Babydoll's warm rehearsal room, cymbal bag, snare bag and kick pedal in her hands. She had left college less than an hour before and drove directly to the studio.

"Hi, Sadie!" Tara and Eva chimed enthusiastically in unison. Both were tending to their guitar equipment, having arrived earlier than her.

"Before we get started, is it okay that Mary comes along later? I invited him for around 7!" She started unpacking her gear.

"Yeah! Of course! We are dying to see the delicious Doctor Death Metal!" Tara grinned. "It's been a while!"

"Thanks! He's crazy to see us. We will put on a bit of fucking show for him!"

"We'll rock his socks off, Sadie!" Eva giggled.

"How's it going with your men?" Sadie asked both girls as she started setting up. "Have you done the deed yet with Bones?" She winked at Eva.

"Yeah, have you?" Tara looked interested. Sex was her favourite topic to discuss.

"You guys! Of course!"

"Well? Tell us more!"

Eva giggled. "He's... very impressive! Down there! What can I say?!" Her face flared up but she was definitely proud to proclaim her satisfaction with her new beau.

"He seems to be very sweet and very into you!"

"Has Mary said anything?!"

"He mentioned that Bones is absolutely crazy about you! You two are really cute together!"

"YAY!" Eva squealed. "I like him alot. He's really funny and fun to be around!"

"And what about Jay?" Sadie continued setting up, adjusting her cymbals. She looked at Tara.

"Still riding." She was cool as a cucumber. If she had feelings for the handsome songwriter, she wasn't about to show it. "We meet up regularly. Fuck like wild animals. Sometimes he stays and we get a pizza. It's good. The sex is great!"

Sadie had a feeling that Tara really liked Jay, she just wasn't ready to admit it yet.

"He's really hot, Tara" Eva murmured. Jay had a classically handsome face, thick, short chestnut hair and an athletic physique.

"I know!" Tara was chewing gum and she winked. "What about your sex life, Say? Are you and Doctor Discostick still breaking headboards?!"

"We have not broken any headboards!" Sadie flushed hotly and sat behind the kit, stomping on the kick pedal to test out the fitting.

"Liar! Sure sounded like it after the gig!"

"What?!" Eva giggled.

"Oh, we heard everything!" Tara grinned. "Doctor Discostick gave it to her real good! Oh, Professor! Just like that! Oooh baby, yeah, you're so good!"

Tara's over-the-top exaggeration made Eva break out into a fit of giggles.

"We did not sound like that! And he doesn't let me call him professor after school!" Sadie immediately defended herself.

"Well, he certainly railed you, Sadie! Holy shit, like! We thought the bedframe would snap!  And you let such a yell at the end!"

Sadie knew that part was true and she laughed, remembering that Mary promised to stifle her when the big moment came but he fibbed. All because he wanted to show off how great he was in bed! "Yeah, well, so would anyone!"

Eva fanned her face while catching her breath. "Phew! All this smutty talk of our guys... come on! Let's get busy with the music!"

Sadie counted the band in and they launched into their usual rehearsal routine, the three women creating a huge wall of their distinctive melodic punk sound.

An hour and a half later, Sadie leaped up from her drum stool and stretched. "Break time! I'm famished!" She grabbed her sandwich and stuffed a huge mouthful in. As she chewed, she checked her phone. She had a text from Mary:

My ears are open and my dick is fully erect 🎵🎵🎵

Sadie choked in surprise and immediately coughed hard. Eva instinctively ran over to her and clapped her hard on the back. "Shit, Sadie!!!"

"I'm okay! I'm okay..." She grabbed a drink of water, tears coming down her face.

"The fuck girl?!" Tara looked in horror and Sadie burst out laughing, still catching her breath. "You nearly died on us just now! Care to explain?!"

"I think Mary might be outside!" She was still catching her breath. Eva rubbed between her shoulders in concern. "I got a hilarious text from him!"

Tara left the leather sofa to investigate the parking lot. When she came back, Mary was right behind her.

"Hey guys!" He greeted cheerfully.

"Goore! You're a doctor, right?" Tara bypassed the greeting.

"Eh, so to speak! Why?"

"Well, we almost had a choked drummer a few minutes ago. You know how to give the kiss of life I presume?"

"Tara, I'm not a medical doctor!" Mary laughed. "Wait!" He noticed Sadie was flushing and wiping tears from her eyes. She sniffed and giggled loudly. "Did something happen, Kitten?!" He was alarmed to see her in that state.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Don't mind her! She's being totally dramatic! I ate my sandwich too fast and it got stuck! I'm okay now!"

"She was so hungry she stuffed her bread into her face, looked at her phone, choked, and almost died! Because of you, Goore! What the fuck like?!"

"Kitten! Oh, I didn't mean to surprise you!" All the colour drained from Mary's face and he went straight over to Sadie, putting his hands on her face. "My stupid text was stupid. I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be! It was funny!"

He kissed her lips softly. "I stood outside for a few minutes listening to you guys playing. It sounded great! I got a bit excited to hear my girl playing..." He stroked her softly. "God, I'm such a dumbass!"

"You're being overprotective, stop! Eva gave me a solid whack on the back, it's totally okay!"

"As long as you're sure..." Mary nuzzled her nose and kissed her again.

"We're making tea, Doctor Professor, would you like some?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, sure! Please! Thanks!" His eyes never left Sadie. When Eva and Tara left for the kitchen, the couple were finally alone.

"You look cute" Sadie murmured. He was wearing a black scarf and three quarter length black coat over his hoodie. "I didn't see you bring that coat this morning!"

"I had it in the office. I left it behind last week."

He was utterly gorgeous. Handsome, refined, tall.

"Don't go choking on me again, Kitten, okay? Save that for the bedroom!"

"Mary!" Sadie's eyes widened.

"Only do it with someone who knows how!" He purred and his green eyes glinted suggestively.

Fuck me! Mary's sudden dark flirtation surprised her. He fucks like a professional but he's always sweet and cuddly. This is a dark side I didn't know he had!

"What's wrong, Kitten?" Another kiss. "I know all about these things..." He traced his fingertips fondly over her throat. "But not tonight. Not after what I've just heard..."

"Mary..." She could only squeak.

"Come here" he whispered and embraced her. His hug was always so warm and strong. "You look good in here. I can't wait to see you bang those drums! Fucking sexy drummer Kitten!" His lips found the nape of her neck and he kissed her hard.

"They're coming back!" Sadie didn't want the moment to end but she knew the girls were coming with the tea. She could hear them talking and clinking mugs as they carried them. "I'm going to show you just how hard I can bang!" she promised in a fiery whisper.

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