Dying to see you

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Cruising north up the motorway in the midday sunshine and listening to Seether at full volume made Sadie feel elated, independent, and excited. The motorway snaked between mountains covered in large limestone and granite rocks and lush evergreen trees. The view was truly breathtaking. It was a popular scenic spot, drawing hikers and picnic makers in good weather.

Because the city was such a long drive away, she rarely ever visited it, so a northern trip was always quite exciting. The last time she was there was several weeks prior to getting with Mary when she and Ruthie went on a shopping trip. They giggled their way around town, wondering which shops he frequented, and even hoped to bump into him.

I bet up here is beautiful in the very depths of winter when the snow hits! Not that I'd dream to drive in such conditions but I'd say it's a true winter wonderland!

This was a view Mary enjoyed most days as he typically drove to and from college. Sometimes he took the train but most of the time he drove his black Volvo up and down this exact road.

She actually couldn't believe that he invited her to his place. She even found it hard to fathom that after five months of beginning third-level education, her life was now so very different from what it was. She didn't expect to fall for anyone, much less one of her lecturers! She didn't even expect to fall for Mary, especially when she remembered her initial distaste for him, believing him to be self-centered, vain, and false upon first impression.

Slowly but surely, the more she got to know him, the more she liked him, and she realised he wasn't any of those things. In fact, he turned out to be hyper-intelligent, interesting, unique, and downright likable.

Now, he was all she could think about: day and night.

He's everything I could possibly want in a man: he's funny, good-looking, smart, creative, and talented and he has a rock-solid job.

Mary had so much to offer her. She envisioned a life together centred on music. Perhaps she would someday run her own recording studio and Mary would be her wingman, supporting her and encouraging her. Maybe they would create music together as they joked on the night they first made love. She could imagine them releasing an album and maybe even gigging together. They could even be a music production powerhouse, traveling the world together recording bands, and releasing records. The possibilities of an exciting life in music with Mary seemed endless.

Well, get your ass up to his city first! It's still only early days. See what kind of place he lives in, how he lives in it, and meet his friends at least.

A tiny doubt niggled in her mind.

Maybe he likes his life just the way it is. He's got a great job and a secret girlfriend but he can run back to his other life in the city anytime he wants. Don't get carried away with notions of a dream life together! You're playing with fire after all: this student/lecturer thing could easily go tits up for everyone.

But for now, enjoy the ride. He wants to see you and he's gonna introduce you to his friend! That's a good start! Will he introduce me as his girlfriend I wonder? Or just as a friend?

Around halfway through the journey, she pulled over at a gas station and topped up her tank. There was a bright and clean shop with a tiny sit-down area for eating and resting. She had plenty of time, having allowed herself an extra 30 minutes in case she got lost: which she probably will once she hits the city's limits. She bought a coffee and sat down.

S: Pulled over at the gas station at Ravenstone for a quick coffee. Will be on my way again shortly xx

M: Yassssss! So excited to see u! Drive safe xxoxx

She happily watched people coming and going for another 10 minutes, blankly staring out the window, half-wondering where they were going and what sort of journeys they were on.

I'm on my way to meet the man of my dreams! Nobody knows it! I can't wait to see him again!

She felt like an outsider in this neck of the woods, even the accents around her sounded with Northern twang. Funnily enough, Mary didn't have such an accent.

He must have moved there. I must ask him soon.

A mature lady approached her. "Hello darling" she smiled. She had beautiful vivid blue eyes and mid-length, straight grey hair. Her smile was kind and Sadie couldn't help but return it.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully, "Can I help you with something?"

Maybe she needs change or something.

The lady put her hand on hers. "Oh no, not at all. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful aura! You're glowing so brightly and I just had to tell you!"

Sadie sat open-mouthed in surprise.

"You're in love, aren't you?" the lady questioned as she sat across the table from her. "I can tell!"

"Um, well, I think so! Maybe? I dunno! I'm going to see this guy, well, he's my boyfriend but it's really early days!" she blushed.

"I knew it! What does he do? Is he a nice boy?"

"Yeah, he's lovely actually! He's a teacher and he's a musician. He teaches music!"

No point in explaining that he teaches music production, most people don't have a clue what that is!

"My dear, he sounds perfect. I won't delay you from getting to him, but I just had to tell you that I've never seen such a beautiful aura before! I wish you all the best with your music boy. Though I think he's the one for you!"

"I'll show you a picture of him!", Sadie showed the lady her favourite photo of Mary on her phone. It was one she took in her apartment, he was grinning at her and he looked so boyish and cute. His eyes looked amazing in it. "That's him."

"Oh, my. What a handsome young man! Yes. He too has a lovely aura. And beautiful olive green eyes. You know, people blessed with green eyes are said to be passionate, mysterious, and creative!"

"I didn't know that! But you’ve just described him to a T!"

The lady winked and smiled again. "This individual has genuine love for you. This is the romance of a lifetime!" She sighed "Young love is an amazing thing. You look beautiful. He's going to be so happy when he sees you!"

Sadie was wearing blue skinny fit jeans, her black and white Cons and a black satin loose fitting v-neck spaghetti string top with a boyfriend fit soft grey three-quarter length cardigan. A tiny silver crescent moon pendant hung on her décolletage and her hair was soft and sleek, just freshly washed with her favourite shampoo and conditioner. She tied it up in a bouncy ponytail and her bangs framed her lovely face. She also wore an extra soft dark grey scarf. Her look was slightly dressy but still casual. She hoped Mary would be impressed.

"Young love is beautiful but time will tell if you're meant for incredible enduring eternal love. One more thing: the little worry in the back of your mind? It will all work out! You were brought together for a reason, I believe. Your angels have your back! As do his!" She rose from the table and put her hand on her handbag. "The romance angels are dancing around you in joy. Mind yourself, my dear! Thanks for the chat!"

Sadie could just about manage a breathy thank you as she watched the sweet lady go back to her husband who had just finished paying for their fuel. The way he smiled at her filled Sadie's heart. He clearly cherished her.

What an adorable couple! They're clearly soulmates. Maybe that'll be Mary and me someday... growing old happily together...

It felt weird to have admitted out loud that Mary was her boyfriend. Not even her band knew about the recording session or what happened since. She was terrified she would jinx the relationship if she said something about it out loud.

There was no harm in telling her: she has no idea who he is or who I am. No judgment. Even if she seemed a bit psychic. I wonder if she picked up on that Mary's my lecturer?

She wondered briefly about the effect the lady had on her to make her admit such things and to even show her that photo of him!

Well, I better get going. Mary will worry if I'm later than he expects!

She resumed her journey with a clearer mind and renewed sense of joy in her heart. And now she couldn't get the thought of soulmates and destiny off her brain.

I'm coming, Mary! I'm coming to see you!

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