peaceful silence

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Thanks for an amazing day, Pat!" Sadie hugged her professor goodbye.

"Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for all your hard work!"

"You're welcome back here anytime, sweetie!" Frida chimed in, kissing each of her cheeks.

"Thank you! I'd love to come back again!"

Mary stood watching the goodbyes after loading his guitar into his car. He leaned against it with his arms folded and grinned.

"The offer still stands..." Nadja murmured softly to him out of earshot.

"Thanks, Nad!"

"She is nice! You seem good together!"

"Ah, I'm crazy about her! The minute I saw her, I just knew it, you know? I tried ignoring it but I just..." Mary scuffed the soles of his boots on the gravel bashfully.

"Love her?"

"Yeah! She's amazing! King Arthur couldn't pull me out of her!"

"Mary Goore! Ever the lad!" Nadja burst out laughing. "But it's so great to see you happy after all this time! She's a catch!" She winked. "Only for she's yours, I'd try to steal her for myself!"

"Oh you!" Mary laughed as he hugged her. "So great to see you again... let's not leave it so long next time!"

"Definitely, Professor!" she giggled, muffled in his embrace. She pecked his cheek. "Next time you're in Gothenburg, call me!"

"I will" he promised. "Take care of yourself!" He returned her peck.

"You too!"

Sadie threw her bag in her car. "Goodbye Nadja! Thanks for letting me be a part of your single! Best of luck with it!"

"Thanks so much! We must keep in touch... I'll add you socials! Be safe driving home!"

"I will..." She turned to Mary. "See you Monday, Professor!"

We both know that's a fib! Earlier he had quietly passed her his key and told her to go ahead and make herself at home in his. He would likely be a few minutes behind her on the road.

"Lovely to see you, Sadie!" Mary said artificially. "Well done today! I'm sure your class will enjoy hearing all about your big day!"

"Yeah!" she chuckled. She waved at everyone before getting in her car. "And about your signature burger! Bye!"

She put Mary's address into Google Maps and followed the country road toward the motorway. She checked her rearview mirror and just as he said, he wasn't behind her. He was staying back a few extra minutes to chat with Pat, Frida and Nadja.

She blinked heavily, really feeling the exhaustion of the day. It was just after midnight. I'm so fucking tired! Just another 45 minute drive to Mary's and I'll soon be in his plush bed! I've got this.

I know that some loud music would energise me but I'm really not in the mood. My ears are shot. The silence is kind of nice...

She continued driving carefully, missing Mary while glancing occasionally in her rearview, hoping to see his lights. Nothing. She longed to wind down with him.

The long drive eventually passed without incident. She pulled into Mary's driveway and parked to the side, giving him room to park after her. She put his key in his front door, feeling weird about entering his house without him.

"Hi, Fred" she murmured to the fake skull sitting on his doorstep. "It's only me!" She let herself into the silent house, flicked on his lights and popped the key on the small table, beside of course, another gothic knick-knack.

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