you are my sunshine

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Sadie woke up certain that a steamroller must have rolled across her in her sleep. She stared blankly at her ceiling, feeling exhausted in her body and soul.

10:59 am. I slept in! I never sleep this late. I am fucking drained. The studio took it out of me!

It was a bright sunny morning and the birds were chirping outside. Nearby, the church bell tolled for Sunday service. It echoed around the courtyard. She yawned heavily and heard a loud sudden snore next to her.

Mary! Oh my God: MARY.

Everything that happened the day before came flooding back: his smile when he arrived at the studio, his hand on mine on the mixing desk, when he draped his hoodie over my shoulders outside to keep me warm, his singing and guitar playing just for me, the big moment when he hugged me in front of everyone and held me. Not forgetting his husky voice when he practically invited himself back to my apartment, or when his lips finally met mine and of course, the frenetic, mind-blowing ride in my bed.

Months of sexual tension finally gave way and it was just as amazing as she hoped.

Can't believe he's secretly liked me back all this time!

She rolled over to see him flat on his back, mouth open and out for the count.

Look at him! He's so fucking gorgeous.

His skin was bright and looked so soft in the morning light. A faint shadow was growing on his face and it suited him. His hair was completely disheveled: mauled by Sadie the night before. He looked completely relaxed and there was an angelic innocence about him in his deep sleep.

Maybe that's partly because John Bonham is still next to him. How adorable!

She got up quietly and slipped on her soft shortie pyjama set. Strewn on her floor were various items of clothing: his jeans, her leggings, t-shirts, and of course their shoes. His Cons caught her eye as she walked by them. The sight of them on her floor made her tummy do a little flip: they were his, the ones he always wears in college and they looked so masculine. Scuffed from everyday wear but still decent. It seemed so right they were just resting there next to her bed.

She went to the bathroom and quietly scrubbed the remainder of yesterday's makeup off her face. After she brushed her teeth, she felt more alert and awake. Her hangover didn't seem so bad after all, probably because she had the sense to drink that glass of water when she made Mary do the same.

She tiptoed back into the bedroom. Mary had turned over to face the side of the bed that she left. She slipped in next to him with her back turned to him and he growled while enveloping her in a big spoon, curling himself around her.

"Rrrrrrrrawr!" he rolled his "r" like a purring cat.

Sadie giggled. "Good morning!"

He kissed her neck hotly. "Mmmmmmmorning" he croaked.

"Sleep okay?"

"For sure, for sure!" he squeezed her and snuggled into her. "Sorta can't believe I'm here with you." He sounded sleepy.

Sadie kissed the back of his palm. "Me too."

He squeezed one of her breasts and murmured "What in the name of Lucifer are you doing wearing clothes? What is this?" He stroked her extra soft t-shirt and pressed his hips into her butt.

"You're super-soft and it feels nice but wearing clothes in bed is illegal you know!"

"Illegal?" Sadie laughed.

His hand trailed down to her hips and slipped under the leg of her shorts. "Well, it should be. In my rule book, it's illegal. You must-" He stroked her hip and his fingertips brushed against her naked skin. "Oh, wait! You're not wearing any panties! That's different! Mmmmmm, now..."

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