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M: Hey Kitten! I'm at the airport! Flight is leaving soon!

Mary sent a selfie from the departures lounge. He had an Airpod in his left ear and his hair was a little messy. He looked hot as hell.

S: YAY! So exciting! You look amazing, Hot Stuff... Where's your other Airpod?

M: I dunno. It's here somewhere!

He sent another selfie: this time he screwed up his face and stuck his tongue out.

S: You make the best faces! Ha ha!

Seriously! He's a shit-hot music producer travelling back from a recording studio in New York and a conference, and he's sending funny face selfies from JFK Airport! Sadie smiled as she examined the selfie. He's so loveable...

M: What are u up to?

S: Organising my stuff for college tomorrow. Also mentally preparing myself for the meeting about my grade...

M: Oh yeah! U will be fine! No closed doors, remember?

S: You are hardly around tomorrow, are you? Probably going to be jetlagged?

M: I'll be in Tuesday. Flight doesn't get in until 1 am. Then by the time I get back home, it'll be crazy o clock! So no Kitten, I'm taking the day off :(

Sadie was crushed. She had been banking on seeing him tomorrow. She ached for Monday to come all week, now she was going to have to wait another full day plus it was gearing up to be a particularly shit one tomorrow.

S: I figured. Wish I could see you tomorrow! It'd make things easier...

M: U can do this! You're in the right...

Sadie felt a tear drip down her cheek unexpectedly. She brushed it away and sighed as she packed a new copybook into her college bag.

S: I miss you...

M: I miss u too... send a pic?

She sent a photo from her kitchen table.

M: BEAUTY! Wait... are u crying?

S: No!

M: Liar! Your eyes look glassy.

S: I swear I'm OK!

M: Don't be crying over Shithead Simon. Don't be afraid.

S: I'll try. I miss you so much.

M: Won't be long until we see each other... in fact, we will soon be seeing each other every day. Like last semester. Except better! Secret lovers now... ;)

Sadie giggled. He obviously hoped to see me every day last semester, just the same as I did!

S: You're right. Have you found your gate? Do you know where you're supposed to be?

M: Yes and yes. Won't be long until I'm boarding. In fact, looks like they've started!

S: Go! Get on that plane! Sooner you're in this country, the better I'll feel!

M: Deal! Love u lots Kitten. Try to rest. I'll send u a text when I land. Chances are u will be asleep though...

S: I'll wait up. Love u loads too Hot Stuff! Enjoy your flight!

M: It'll be fine cos every second on that plane brings me closer to u...

S: You're so sweet...Tuesday can't come quick enough!

Sadie finished packing her college bag shortly afterwards and lay down on her bed, wearing pyjamas. She hugged Ginger Baker as she kept an eye on Mary's plane's progress on a flight tracking app. She also half-watched reruns of American Dad!, the show which gave her comfort as it helped her fall asleep most nights.

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