tattooed heart

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Mary parked his black Volvo under the bare cherry blossom tree in front of Sadie's apartment block. It was dark already and he had finished work forty-five minutes ago. He buzzed her apartment number with a sense of trepidation.

"Hey!" she called out cheerfully.

"Öppna din dörr!" Mary sang.

"Oh my GOD!" She burst into a fit of giggles. "Come on up!"

The door clicked open and he skipped up the reverberant stairwell. When he reached her door, he could hear her singing inside and setting crockery on the table. His heart was racing and he couldn't wait another second to see her.


She opened the door.

"Hi, Mr Tommy Nilsson!" She joked and everything in Mary's life was perfect in that moment. Her first smile was always the sweetest in his eyes and filled him with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Spending time in Sadie's tiny apartment always reminded him of when he was a student and when he was renting tiny, affordable spaces, so he felt perfectly at home in hers.

He took a step inside and she closed the door behind him. The lighting was soft and warm. Even though he was laden with his overnight bag and a small bunch of flowers he picked up on the way, he threw his arms around her straight away. He nuzzled her nose tenderly and kissed her softly.

"Hi" he murmured in a deep voice.

Both were only too happy to be reunited.

"These are for you!" He pressed the flowers into her hands.

"Babe! You didn't have to buy me these! Thank you so much!" She sniffed the bunch of beautiful blue, white and yellow flowers.

"No, but I wanted to!"

He looked at her happy face, clearly smitten with the gift. Her eyes sparkled.

"They're beautiful!" she squeaked.

"Just like you!"

She blushed and giggled as Mary set his bag down on her couch. He removed his scarf and coat.

"Something smells amazing!" His tummy was rumbling and he sniffed in appreciation.

Sadie was busy putting the flowers into a cute jam jar. "I've pasta ready for you! Hope you're hungry!"

"I sure am!"

"I had a feeling my working man would be!" She sauntered back over and kissed his lips before putting the flowers in the middle of her tiny kitchen table.

He grabbed her waist suddenly and kissed her passionately.

"God, I'm so into you!" he breathed.

She giggled again. "My name is not God!"

He smiled and stroked her long hair lovingly.

Even though she teased him, Sadie had to do everything in her power to not jump onto his slim hips there and then.

He's so sexy in his Master of Puppets t-shirt and jeans...

His very presence alone was electric and exciting. Everything just seemed better now that Mary was here. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

I really can't help myself...

Whatever it was about his toothy smile, it made her melt inside. She felt his hands stroke her lower back as their lips met.

Everything is more complete now that he's here...

"Ugh, kitten!" he murmured. He was tempted to lift her up and carry her to her bedroom but he remembered that the last time she cooked him breakfast, he initiated the ride before they ate and the food went cold by the time they got to it.

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