she knows

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When Mary returned to the studio control room after laying down multiple guitar overdubs, he flaked out on the couch beside Nadja, crashing heavily into it and bumping against her. Sadie eyeballed him discreetly and noticed his forehead was shiny with sweat and he was a tiny bit flushed. Just minutes prior, he let rip a blistering improvised solo on the vintage Gibson Les Paul guitar. The performance fit perfectly over the last chorus of the song, his nimble fingers danced across the fretboard in a perfect balance of melody and technical prowess.

"Well done, Goore!" Pat applauded him.

"Thanks!" Mary pinched the neck of his t-shirt and pulled it to and from his body whafting cooler air onto him. "Sorry if I stink!" He realised he was probably smothering Nadja whose closed fist was covering her nose discreetly while hiding a smirk. "Here, I'll go outside and freshen up!"

"Sadie, will you go and make him a cup of coffee, please?" Pat was busy working in Pro Tools.

"Of course!" That's part of my job as a studio assistant: to make tea and coffee when needed! It's not all pressing buttons and listening to cool music!

She grabbed his old mug, left the studio, and hurried to Pat's kitchen. As she popped the kettle on, Mary followed her in and sprayed a few puffs of his favourite Armani cologne on his neck and upper body.

"Hey!" he purred and stood close to her as she rinsed his previous mug in the sink.

"Mare!" she gasped. "You're standing very close to me!"

"It's alright. They're busy." He was leaning his lower back against the kitchen counter, his right ankle crossed over his left, and his arms were folded. The feet of his demon tattoo on his left arm peeped out under his t-shirt sleeve.

Sadie peered out the hallway. Nadja had already left the couch to go to the vocal booth she assumed, and Pat was playing the song, quickly editing Mary's guitar tracks.

"See?" he continued as he wrapped his arms around her torso from behind. He gently kissed the top of her head through her soft hair. Sadie wanted to melt in his familiar embrace. "We have a minute" he whispered heavily, his warm breath tickling her right ear while his nose brushed against it.

"You're so sexy..." she sighed as she put her hands over his and allowed him to steal a hot kiss on the side of her neck. His fresh cologne was intoxicating and sinful goosebumps rapidly flew down her body. "Shouldn't be doing this in his kitchen though..."

"Mmmph!" he grumbled through another kiss. "Dying to kiss you all day! Give me a kiss, quick!"

Sadie turned her head and met his warm lips in a slow, delicious, drawn-out kiss. He's such a knock out! One of his hands wandered up her body, and his warm fingertips stroked her face delicately, expressing his endless devotion to her. The tip of his tongue brushed against hers softly right before he pursed his lips to finish the intimate moment. He lingered for an extra second on her lips, delaying their separation and purred again.

The kettle clicked loudly, telling them that the water had boiled and reminding them that this wasn't a safe or ideal space to be romantic in.

"Gotta make your coffee, Professor Goore." Sadie untangled herself from Mary's arms and giggled. "Lots of milk for you..."

"Kids temp please, remember? You better make one for Pat too. He likes it the same as I do, except hotter. Way hotter! Make one for yourself while you're at it. I'll help you carry the mugs. That'll be my excuse for hanging out in the kitchen with you!"

"What about Nadja?"

"She's gonna sing in a few minutes. She'll probably make her own honey tea but you can ask her when you go back." Mary frowned. "Do you know what? On second thought, we'll make her one anyway. Pat has his tea in this cupboard here." He reached up and helped himself.

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