candy crush

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Sadie's hands shook as she read her results from the first semester. She stared incredulously at the piece of paper in her hands as her eyes filled with tears.

Music Production Content Analysis: 95%
Mathematics for Audio Production: 73%
Introduction to Electronics: 77%
Communications: 81%
Musicianship Part One: 92%
Introduction to Research Skills and Academic Writing: 40%

It was the last module that upset her so much. She couldn't believe she got a mere pass for all the hard work she put in. The rest of her grades didn't matter right now, not even the fact that she totally aced the module Mary delivered could make her feel good. She could only fixate on that horrible 40% grade.

Simon said my paper was a distinction grade! How could I only have gotten a pass? His exam before the break was also terribly easy! What the hell happened?

She threw the sheet of paper down in frustration and put the kettle on for tea.

I've worked so fucking hard on every single assignment and exam! I really want a First Class Honours when I graduate, I can't believe I've been thrown this curveball already! Every grade counts. It's so unfair!

Her phone pinged.

M: Hi sexy! Get your results yet? *crossed fingers emoji*

S: Yeah! The mail came 20 minutes ago.

M: Well? ...are u happy?

S: Um... mostly. Kind of upset though rn.

Her phone started ringing seconds after she sent the last text.

It's Mary, of course! Oh! Here goes nothing!

"Hi!" she answered with a feigned lilt.

"Good morning, sexy!" his deep voice drawled down the phone. She already felt a tiny bit better just hearing his sexy voice.

"Open your camera, wanna see you!" he said.

"Mary, I'm still in my pjs!"

"Don't care! Are you wearing the Powerpuff Girls ones? Or the purple moo-cow print ones? Wanna see you! Come on! Show me those jammies!"

Sadie could hear him tap his palms on something hard in a pretend drum roll and she couldn't help but laugh at his excitable nature.

Moo-cow print! He's hilarious and adorable!

"Fine!" she giggled "But you gotta turn your camera on too!"

She sat on her couch with her hot mug of tea and activated the video call function. She fixed her hair real quick as she looked at her image and waited for Mary.

"Heyyyyyy" he sang upon seeing her and activating his own camera. "You look gorgeous!"

Sadie couldn't help but smile. She brushed a tear from her eye and giggled as she pointed the phone toward her chest.

"Powerpuff Girls! Yasssss! I knew it! Mmmmm, hello ladies! And I don't mean Blossom and the gang... arrrrrrrrr!" he purred.

"Mary! I can barely see you! You've your phone pointed at the ceiling and I can see there's a big fingerprint on your lens!" Sadie giggled at the odd angle which showed only part of Mary's face: mostly his nose.

"Oh, right!" he said, picking up the phone. The screen momentarily went black as he wiped the camera lens.

"That better?" he asked. Sadie could see him clearly as he angled the phone in front of his face. His hair was completely tussled and he had a serious shadow on his chin and cheeks.

"Mare, you need a haircut! You look like you got dragged through a bush backways! What did you do after band practice last night?!"

"I'm getting it done later! Oh, we had a few scoops in the local bar! We got a bit hammered. It was messy! We did shots..."

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