Car Cherry - Part 40

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          'Let me go...' those words were left ringing her ear...and it confused her...hurt her more than anything. She's never heard those words come out of his mouth before, directed to her...and she never wanted to hear them again. If anything, it set off an alarm in her brain that made her feel like an awful person. 'What....what is this? Fuck....' She gets up from the bed and heads straight to the door, but then hesitates as her hand grabbed the handle. Letting out a sigh, she thinks about how he just left. How upset he was. 'If I...follow him...he's not going to want to see me. Why am I going to try and find him. Right?' She lets go of the handle and just stands in front of the door, contemplating. After a minute, she shakes her head and opens the door anyways. 'Fuck it.' Going straight to the elevator, she stands there with a shaking leg, feeling anxious, and nervous. 'What am I going to tell him when I see him? I'm sorry?...but...I'm not. Ugh!' The doors open, she steps in and she was on her way down. As soon as she got to the bottom lobby, she looks around, looking and looking...but he was no where in sight. She's about to step outside, but she stops herself. It was really cold. Going back upstairs, she goes straight to her phone and calls him. As it's ringing, she hears a noise. 

       "Oh no..." she heads towards the vibrating sound and find his phone on the night stand. "Really???!" she yells as she throws her own phone across the room. "Fuck! I don't like this. I don't like that I can't even call him to know where he is!" Freaking out a little, she starts hyperventilating a bit so she steps out to their balcony to have the ice cold air hit her all over. Taking it in until she was shivering, she goes back in and shuts the doors behind her. Her eyes immediately sees the mini bar on the other side of the room that she didn't notice yesterday. She heads on over and looks for beer...alcohol...any kind at this rate. After finding a passable one, she opens it and pours herself a glass...but man....the taste was not doing it for her. It was too dark for her liking. "Ugh! I don't want this! I need something else on tap. They have a bar. They do." she talks to herself as she grabbed her small purse, coat, key card, and phone from the floor, and headed out. Getting to the main floor, she follows the arrows to the bar and makes it to the counter. About a few seconds later she was attended to.

"Hello Miss. What can I get for you?"

"Whatever is close to a Heiniken...I'll take it." she tells the bartender.

"Yes, coming right up Miss."

Bringing her a nice glass of what she asked for made her thankful that she liked a dutch beer, making it readily available in many countries. "Aahh...yes! Thank you! Here...keep my tab open." she says handing over her credit card.

"Are you sure Miss? The bar is not full today. I can surely keep up with-"

"Just leave it open please." she tells him directly.

"Very well."

One down the hatch. Two. Three. Four. Gone. She hadn't drank this way since she went out with Yukino that night at the club...and she was feeling goooood. As she was sitting there watching some TV and talking to no one special in particular, she starts looking in her phone. Looking over the last messages she had sent to him, she was still wondering why he kept telling her that everything was going fine....when it wasn't. She told him to honestly be open with her, and yet here she was still on the other side of the his wall. Tapping the back button, and seeing Kawaki's name on her message page...she was tempted to text him. Just once to talk...but was it really going to be just a talk? Or another venting episode. He didn't deserve that...not again. Slamming her phone down on the counter, she suddenly gets up, only to stumble. 'I need to pee...'

"W-where's your...t-toilet?" she asks very much tipsy.

"It's right across the way there, Miss."

She looks only to have a huge sign saying 'Kvinna' (Womens) with a stick figure with a dress on it. "Oh...haha..." she laughs to herself as she went in. After coming back out...she was craving for something. As she passed by one of the doors leading to the outside, she smelled someone's smoke. And it smelled divine. "Ooohhh....I want one. Just one..." she says to herself. She steps outside, but it was freezing cold, so she comes back in and goes to get her expensive coat she left carelessly on the stool chair at the bar. "I'll beee right back! Get me a-another while I step out." she tells the bartender. Stepping outside, she spots the one making that lovely smell she hadn't had in a year or so. A young, blondish man that was half way through his cancer stick. She comes right on over without even introducing herself and says, "Excuse you have another one of those??"

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now