Honeymoon- 1- Part 9

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Boarding his jet, they both take a few suit cases since it was going to be quite a long trip from what he explained to her. Buckling up, and waiting for him to come sit next to her, she receives a text.

'Hey Saku.'

'Hey. I see you're up now.'

'Yeah. We left about 30 minutes after you guys.'

Sakura shakes her a little as she texts back. 'I told Yukino you guys could take your time.'

'It's fine. Listen... I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I'm sorry if I upset you...I was....I'm sorry. I do want to tell you though, the conversation we had in the bedroom. I want to tell you...and make sure you know, you're not who you use to be. Don't think about the past anymore...and look what's ahead. What my bro did to you...even before you two were official....was not right on so many levels, and I honestly wish you two would've never met. Truly, I do. But, you shouldn't let any of that weigh you down. You're married now....and...as much as I loath to even mention him in this text....Kakashi loves you more than you will ever know. I could tell...since along time ago, though I hate to admit. Don't stress....don't worry. Just live....and be loved, just like you always dreamed. Okay...I feel like a little soft ass bitch reading all this over before I send this to you. I'm stopping now.'

Sakura smiles huge and lets out a laugh as a tear comes streaming down her cheek, and she immediately starts texting back. 'Damn it Sasuke...sometimes you really know what to say to me. Thank you for hearing me yesterday....I'm so embarrassed though to have said all that to you...but...I'm kind of glad I was able to let someone like you know what was eating me up without judgement. I love you...I'll miss you while I'm away. And...you did upset me. You shouldn't have said any of that to Ino. I hope you can make up with her while I'm away. Don't get in too much trouble with your gf. She seems like a feisty one...but I could tell she's crazy about you. Don't mess it up.'

His phone dings, and he right away checks it. As he's reading it, Yukino looks at him biting on his knuckle...and just by that alone knew who he must've been texting. She only sighs, and tries to not let it bother her. His friend was a married woman now, and to a man who was fine as fuck. There wasn't anything to worry about. 

"Having an interesting convo there??" she says as she fixes her hair a bit.

"Oh, yeah, just saying my last good byes kind of before she gets busy on her travels."

"Oh? Where is she going?"

"Doesn't know. He wouldn't tell her."

"I see. How romantic. She got herself a good one."

"Ugh...shut up..."

"Hahaha!! You really hate his guts for no reason when you know he's-"

"Stop! stop! Don't say anymore about him! As it is this whole wedding is not going to leave my memory for a while..."

"I hope not!...We had a pretty good time...did we not?"

He clears his throat, and turns a bit pink as what she said made him remember every sound and pant that came out of her just 6 hours ago...though...thats not what he was initially thought about. "W-we did...y-yeah..." She reaches over and touches his hand.

"Okay..well then. Let's get home...and enjoy the rest of our weekend...hmm?" He leans over and gives her a kiss.

"Anything you want."

As soon as she was done reading the text to herself, Kakashi finally comes back into the jet to sit next to her. "Whew! Alright. We're all set. You ready??"

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now