Ready- Part 6

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Looking at herself in the mirror, and going over what her tears washed away on her face with some light concealer, she hears a knock on the door. Sighing she gets up and walks towards the door.

"Ino, I said I would meet you-" she pauses after seeing it wasn't her, but Sasuke. "Oh. Sasuke. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to ask you....if you're okay..."

She exhales loudly and leaves him at the door, as she goes back to the mirror. "Let me guess...Ino sent you." He quietly closes the door behind him and turns to see her sitting in front of her vanity, and man....did she look perfect. Her hair was up along with some big curls, her neck longly showing down her bare back. It was really a sight to see. He walks up behind her and goes right by her ear, leaning his chin very lightly onto her shoulder while looking at her through the mirror.

"You look absolutely beautiful...Sakura." He gives her a kiss to her cheek, and it makes her smile.

" don't think the make-up is too much? I know I never wear any, and I told the lady-"
" You look perfect." he says before she could continue explaining. She turns around to look up to him. Seeing his hands in his pockets in a nice suit, and his hair the way it always was, made her flashback to when they were just kids, and only knew how to comfort each other by sharing, and playing. they were older...and it just made something in her want to cry. As her eyes became glassy, it triggered something in her to want to tell him...and see if...his response or advice would make any of what she was feeling go smoother.

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself. Yukino's a lucky girl to have someone like you." He chuckles a bit, thinking why it didn't work on her....but no. No. *sigh* That's not where they were anymore. He loved Yukino...he was crazy about her. He clears his throat since it was starting to feel a bit dry.

"Anyways...I umm...I'm glad you're okay. Ino made it sound like you were freaking out or something...she always over exaggerates, huh." She doesn't respond, and gets up to go sit on the bed, her dress spreading across the comforter as she rolled in her lips.

"Sakuuuu....I know that face. Something's bothering you. Tell me...what is it?" he comes to sit next to her and holds her hand. She squeezes his a little and looks into his eyes. Those eyes that always tried to be there for her, the eyes that saw her at her worst, and when she was becoming her best. 'I....want to tell him for some reason...right now. I need to...before I leave. Maybe...I'll feel better. I thought I would be telling this to Ino....but she doesn't seem to be on the same page as me. She's a little too...excited...and I guess that's normal.' She continues looking at him with her big green worried eyes, making him get a bit nervous.

"'re worrying me. What is it?" 'Would he...understand?...Or is this gonna be just...a total blow..? Ugh. Shit...I don't even understand this. But I can't...keep this inside. After I'm married....there'll be no time to talk least not until I get back, and who knows if he'll even have time, or if I will for that matter.'  She takes a deep breath, lets her air out slowly.

"To be honest. I'm a little...s-scared..."

"Scared? About...getting married?"

She shakes her head and then bites her lip lightly. "Do you remember that one day freshmen year...when your mom was late picking you up? Ino and I were sitting waiting with you on the front steps of the school."

"Yeah...I remember."

"Well, that day....your brother came to pick you up instead."

"Uhh....yeah I guess he did. What does this have to do with-"

Friend or Lover: Life goes on (Saku x Kaku x Sasu x Yukino)Where stories live. Discover now